Chapter 2

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Moon light turns into day light. Hunter paces back and forth. He stops, and grabs another duffel bag. Puts his gun and ammunition, pants, shirts, the picture of the girl, a computer he stole, and his tools and leaves the factory. When he is a few blocks away from the factory, he takes out the card León left him and made his way to 4389 N Sherwood Drive. In just a few minutes, Hunter arrives at the house Hunter walks up and knocks on the door. James León opens the door, "So, when does this so called adventure start?" asks Hunter. "As soon as we find the others come on in" says León. Hunter enters the house, another boy with handsome features, black hair and grey eyes walks towards them. "Hunter Emory, meet Trevor Jefferson" says James, Trevor shakes Hunter's hand. He smiles, showing his fangs, Hunter takes a few steps back, "there's no need to fear Hunter, Trevor has already done his feeding and promised that he would not feed on the others." says James. "pleasure to meet you" says Trevor. He closes his eyes and take a big whiff of the air "an american" Trevor begins to say in his Italian accent "I've never had an american before, how does it taste?" he asks Hunter, "um, like an other person I suppose" replys Hunter. "Time to go" says James, "where are we going?" asks Hunter, "we are getting the next person" says James. Trevor puts on his sun glasses and they walk outside and get into León's car. "how are you not a pile of ashes?" Hunter asks, "ever heard of the book Dracula?" asks Trevor, "the tail of the first vampire right?" says Hunter, "yeah" says Trevor, "then yes" replys Hunter. "Well, in Dracula, the vampire is like a normal person, except they are immortal and are blood thirsty demons." says Trevor, "how were you turned?" Hunter asks, "lets just say I was on my Transylvania trip at the wrong time and Dracula found me" says Trevor with a smirk. The car stops and León, Hunter and Trevor get out of the car. "London's Asylum for the special" Hunter reads out loud. "so we're here for a crazy person?" asks Hunter. No one replies. Hunter and Trevor follow James, looks like he knows where he's going. They come across a cell with ten guard standing in front of it. "sir, I can't let you pass" one of the guards says. James takes out a badge "yes, you can" he says. all of the guards move so the three men can get to the cell.

 all of the guards move so the three men can get to the cell

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 A girl sits on the side of the cell. She wears a ripped up red flannel shirt, jeans with holes in them and black boots. "last time I was here, you only had two guards watch you" says James. The girl looks up. She stands and walks to the cell doors, "thought I needed a few more play pals" says the girl. The boys could see her face now. She was beautiful. She had black hair with red strands. Her eyes were as green as a forest, surrounded by black eyeliner. "are you here to try and destroy my demons?" asks the girl, laughing a bit. "how would you like to be free from those bars?" asks James. The girl looks as Hunter, then Trevor, and then back to León. "what's the catch?" she says with a smirk. "there's no catch" says James. The girl looks at León, with a very focused expression. In a few minutes the three men see the girl, looking shocked. The men don't see it, but a tear goes down her right cheek. She looks at León with eyes that are no longer the color of a forest, but of blood. "when do we start?" she says. León grins, "gents, meet the lovely Jayda Helta" he says. One guard goes to the cell and unlocks it. Jayda walks out with a big smirk on her face. "come on boys, lets go have some fun!"

Authors Note: sorry the chapters are short. How is it so far? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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