Ch. 25

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     (A picture of Mac, credit for the wonderful artist. All artists are beautiful/handsome, so is everyone in the world.)
      At this moment, Mac and I were both flipping and freaking out.
      "Lady put the knife down before you cause any harm!" I shout, trying to hold her down.
      Mac starts shouting for some police officers and I try to calm down this crazy, psycho lady.
      Now I know why she went to jail.
   Probably murdering 300 people at the mall.
She was trying to head towards Mac so I moved my grip to her shoulders.
     "Stop it!" She screams, then stabbing and slicing my arms. I fall back, on the cement ground while two policemen come.
      My vision was becoming blurry but I could still hear very clearly. 
     They were talking very calmly while, I think, taking the lady out of the cell and putting her in a guarded one. She was going to be sent to prison in 2 days- but then I felt someone pick me up.
     They carried my somewhere and I was laying on a soft...bed?
    I started to fall asleep.

(In dream)
I was in a very large, long, red room. At the top of the sides, I could see stained glass with a...demon on it? It looked like a demon. All black and red, with horns, and blood shot red eyes.
It looked very tall, maybe taller than Slenderman. But that was just how it looked, it could be as small as The Rake though. I looked forward and saw the demon from the stained glass sitting on a throne.
The throne looked like it was pure gold with some rubies on it, some red cushioning on the back and bottom.
Can he see me?

Smell me?

Is he evil?

I looked behind me and there were two golden doors leading out. I was right in the middle of this room so I turned and started to walk out.
I didn't want to talk to the demon because it gave me a weird feeling, like it was evil- It just had a bad vibe. I started to walk outside, pushing the heavy golden doors open.
"Do not go outside unless your aloud to."
A booming voice said. I turn and see the demon thing standing up and walking to me.
"My name is Zalgo. Y/n you were brought here for a special reason."
I stare at him, confusion flooding all over my face.
"You must come to me in all your dreams." Zalgo says smoothly.
"But I don't get that much dreams." I say shaking, a little scared, and a little nervous.
"Don't be afraid. I'm the one who will be controlling your dreams for a while. I have important things to tell you. I'll see you in the next dream."
"Wait don't go!" But my dream was already blurring. The last thing I saw was the so called Zalgo leaning in on me.

I woke up in some sort of hospital bed, looking at the gray ceiling. Mac was standing near me and called an officer over.
The officer, who looked like John came running over.
"You'll be okay! I promise ok y/n?!"
I nodded and asked,"Did you find anything?"
"Yeah. I found this mask in the grass."
He lifts up a mask that had black lipstick, black eyes, and black eyebrows. It was pretty but I think I recognized it.
"We took some DNA off it and we matched it up with a killer. Her names Jane and we've had sightings of her before. She's killed people before but we've figured out she's trying to murder some Jeff the Killer. The government's theories are that she'll kill anybody who's in the way of her work. We believe she's the one who's behind those two murders."
"If it helps, I heard screaming before you came. So I looked out the window to see a girl with long black hair, a black dress, black heels, and that mask running away into the woods." I said.
"Yes! Yes that helps! Thank you so much! That's the exact description of Jane! Thank you!" He shouts and slowly leans toward me and hugs me softly.
I nod,smiling, and sit up just to be pushed back down suddenly by Mac.
"Y/n you need to rest but I have great news! You and I are being let out of jail!" He shouts happily, waving his arms around. I don't know why Mac would have gone to jail, he's so nice to everyone except that psycho, lady weirdo.
"You, because they found some evidence of Jane, and me, because of good behavior!"
"How did you get into jail? Your so nice." I say tiredly turning my head to face him.
"I got in because I lied to court about my stupid adopted 'sister'. She told me to lie or else she'd kill me. We got in a fight and she beat me up, heading into the kitchen and throwing knives at me, boiling water just so she could splash me with it. It hurt so much but then she said I started fighting her instead."
"Oh I'm sorry" I apologize, my insides feeling angry about his sister- adopted sister.
        "Is she still alive?" I ask, some of my (h/c) hair covering my face.
      "Yeah, she lives right by the prison now. She moved after I got put in jail." He answers, twirling his red hair in his fingers.
I nod, then lay down again and close my eyes, listening to what was happening around the room.

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