Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

And Regina eagerly falls to her knees, ready to repay the favor.


Once they were properly showered, they moseyed on toward Emma's bedroom to dress. The entire time they dressed themselves was in silence and Regina felt a knot forming in the pit of her stomach, knowing she had to leave. Emma offered to walk her down to her car, which was in more uncomfortable silence and just like that, the weight of the world was back on her shoulders.

Now, Regina stands confidently in front of her car door with Emma in front of her, even if she's a wreck inside. Emma has her hands buried into her back pockets, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip and Regina studies the action closely, worrying that she might draw blood. Tentatively, Regina places her finger beneath Emma's chin, silently demanding her attention and also removing that lip from her teeth. Emma offers a weak smile and it's so damn adorable that Regina finds herself stuffing her hands into Emma's red leather jacket's pockets. She tugs the woman closer, persuading that shy smile to blossom beautifully across her face. Emma slowly sways closer, capturing Regina's plump lips for another goodbye kiss.

The way Emma gradually drags her lips across Regina's, just vows her love for her. Emma tenderly cups Regina's cheeks, holding her into place as she pours all her love into that one simple kiss. And it is a simple kiss, filled with passion, but their tongues never come out to deepen the moment. Just their lips are at work, opening and closing and breaking apart just to reconnect again and it's the most meaningful kiss either of them have shared.

Emma whimpers, her body molding perfectly against Regina's, effectively pinning her against the car while Regina's hands leave behind Emma's pockets and travel down to her firm bottom.

"I never realized how nice your ass was until I saw it naked," she chuckles darkly, eliciting the softest giggle in response, but there's a sadness in those shimmering emeralds. "Why do I get the feeling this morning had a different meaning to you than me?" She bravely inquires, even if she doesn't want to know the answer.

Emma pecks her lips and ignores the question altogether. "You call or text me when you get back to Storybrooke."

Regina studies intently as those green eyes fill with sorrow and she wants to ask if this is goodbye for good, but she can't handle the answer. So, she presses her body against the safety and security of Emma Swan and kisses her deeply one last time. They both hum, admiring the warming sensation spreading through their veins, but all too quickly Regina is stepping back, knowing that if she doesn't leave now, she may never.

She slides into her car and starts the engine, begging herself to stay in control.

Emma leans down, flashing that lopsided grin. "Drive safe, Regina, I'll talk to you tonight," she easily says and then closes the door and walks back to her apartment without another glance back.


The drive back home was exhausting to say the very least. Every time she traveled to New York, Emma was the one who was always driving. She smiles inwardly just thinking about that beat-up bug and how many times she claimed the passenger seat, right beside the owner of the vehicle.

She is finally home and in her own bed with silk sheets, but her smile fades away, because she can't help but miss those flannel ones she fought so hard against. The silence is deafening in her mansion and the idea of being so alone has her thumb floating above the send button on her phone. Emma explicitly instructed her to call or text when she was home, but she didn't want to come across to needy or desperate, especially after feeling like maybe Emma was saying goodbye to her.

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