The garden was decorated nicely with white and pastell elements.

White tables and chairs were arranged. A few waiters hurried from side to side to serve drinks and at the back was a small stage with a microphone. On the right side was the food and on the left side was the mansion.

Instead of admiring the beautiful arranged surrounding and the atmosphere I nervously looked around searching for familiar faces.
I didn't see any. Yet.

I turned around and saw Kai talking to Suho on the phone.
He hung up and looked at me smiling.

"Suho will be here soon. Let's go and introduce you to some people." We wandered around and talked to a lot of company partners. Everyone looked really handsome and rich. My cheeks started to hurt from all the smiling.

After a while I noticed a men in his late fifties looking at me.
Kai slightly poked my side with his elbow and gave me a drink.

"The men observing you is the important partner we need. His name is Lee San. He has a lot of connections in China and that's exactly what we lack. Keep smiling and he will attend a move."

"Shouldn't we wait for Secretary Suho?" I asked and looked up into his eyes. Even in this heels I barely reached his nose.

"Don't worry he is always on time." He smirked and started laughing as I told the best joke ever. I gave him a confused look but then realized who stood behind me.

"Mr. Kim." Lee San said and greeted him with a handshake. Next to him were two of his bodyguards. "Where is the other Kim?" He joked and I laughed even though it wasn't even funny.

He didn't wait for an answere and drawed all his attention on me.
"Who is this beautiful lady?" He said and turned towards me.

"My name is Park SunHi and I'm..."

"One of President Im's secretaries." Kai interrupted. I tried to keep my smile up and play along.

"What an honor to meet you! And by the way you have a beautiful name." He kissed the back of my hand giving me goosebumps. I felt disgusted on so many levels but thanked him.

While we were talking everyone's gaze wandered to the entrance.
All of a sudden it became quite. Everyone's attention was fully drawn to the gate.

Here he comes... The glory one. The famous master of industry and commerce.

The one and only...

JaeBum entered the garden in a fully black suit together with Suho who was dressed in a black suit and white buttoned shirt with a black tie as always.

My heartbeat increased rapidly as I watched him greet all the people. To my confusion he kept up a straight face while talking to the people.

"He doesn't smile a lot." I whispered to Kai making him chuckle.

I tried to calm my breath while Suho and JaeBum walked towards us.

I quickly bowed when they arrived and kept my gaze low but I felt JaeBum staring at me. It made me feel really awkward.

"You have a beautiful secretary." Lee San complimented while eyeing me.

JaeBum stared at me for a moment and then back at Lee San with a smirk.

"Don't I?" He said making me shiver. His deep voice didn't change at all but it somehow felt good to hear it again after such a long time.

"Not like this other one..." he snapped his fingers in order to remember her name. "I guess it was... JiSoo?"

"You mean JiWon?" JaeBum said and my heart dropped hearing her name. "Unfortunately she is gone for a while."
My heart was still racing like crazy and my palms were sweaty.

I suddenly had the courage to lift my gaze. I watched the men talking while Lee's gaze always landed on me with a dirty smirk on his face.

'What a perv.'
I tried to hold back the urge to slap him.

Lee's laugh snapped me out of my thoughts.
I didn't listen to their conversation at all.

"I hope you will be there, that will be fun." He said and looked at me with a huge grin.

Confused I looked at Kai for help. He only gave me the sign to nod and so I did.

"Great!" Lee said in a cheering tone. "Then I look forward to see all of you there. Now excuse me I got hungry." He and his guards disappeared to the food crowd.

I let out the breath I was holding, my heart slowly calmed down.

"Great Job SunHi, I knew I can rely on you." Suho said relived and patted my shoulder.

JaeBum just stare at me with a strong gaze.

"That was close." Kai let out a relieved breath. "Let's check the others, I didn't have time to talk a lot to the other partners." Kai and Suho left JaeBum and me alone.

Not knowing what to do I avoided his gaze. He stuck his hands into his pockets a smirk appearing on his face.

To all my surprise JaeBum decided to talk.

"You look great." He suddenly said in a deep tone trying to meet my gaze.

I felt nervous.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I mumbled.

Finding the courage again I finally looked up to meet his eyes.

His cold glare he had the whole time seemed to soften a bit.

"How have you been?" He suddenly said with a soft smile.

That smile....

I felt warm inside my heart and butterflies swarming in my stomach.

Time stopped.

I forgot my surroundings and all the noises around me became quiet. I looked into his eyes and melted.

Oh how I missed it... his deep dark eyes...

I felt like we were never apart. Like nothing bad happened between us.
Like we are back at Highschool together in the abounded part of the school building where all began...



What do you think will happen next?!

Sorry that i kept you waiting but I hope you liked the chapter!!

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❤️ Thank you and I love you ❤️

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