A moment later Coral was smiling, several more moments and she was laughing with him. He beckoned her into the room and she moved forward taking a seat opposite him. "Thank you both. I needed a good laugh. This job can be far too serious at times, and this morning I've been buried in paperwork." He gave Katnip a scratch behind the ear and she purred softly. "I'd forgotten cats can often times come into a home and either hate it or immediately assume they have a right to own whatever parts of it they choose."

Coral smiled softy, "Katnip likes you Taren. She likes Owen too. That's three homes she feels comfortable in. I've never seen her take to anyone as quickly as she did with you?"

"It must be my charm." He smiled hoping to put her at ease. "Do you like Owen? If you feel comfortable enough he might even show you some of the gardens while you're here."

That brought another smile to her face, "He seems really nice. Oh and I baked this morning. I brought a few things for you both to try."

"Wonderful. Now did Owen ask you to come get me for lunch?" Coral nodded in reply, so he got to his feet careful of the tabby, bringing her up into his arms and carrying her as they made their way to the kitchen.

Owen had put up individual plates of sandwiches, roast-beef with cheese, tomato and lettuce each with a side salad of slaw type vegetables. The sandwiches were huge, made with what looked like a crusty home-made bread. Sitting in the centre of the table was a serving dish with an array of cookies surrounding a dozen good sized cupcakes. Coral smiled softly, giving Owen a nod in thanks for putting up her baked goods for dessert.

They ate in the kitchen making it less formal, even Katnip had a bowl set down by the fire. The meal was enjoyable and filling, although both men were determined to partake of Corals baked good.

Just as Coral had taken a first bite of a chocolate cup-cake the kitchen door opened to a tall well-built man who seemed to take up most of the space available in the doorway. Her eyes roamed slowly from the toe of his scuffed brown work boots all the way up his long muscular jean clad legs; hesitating a moment at the buckle on his belt before continuing on.

Coral sighed softly; never before had she seen such male perfection, he had muscles on his muscles and all in the right places. When she reaches his face and realised he'd been watching her, a cocky smile on his face. She blushed every shade of red, quickly turning away from him.

Katnip sensing her friends unease moved into the space between Coral and the man hissing and spitting, letting this man know he was about to get a claw full of her wrath. The man took a step forward and Katnip moved as if to pounce and he froze looking towards his Alpha unsure what to do.

Taren placed a hand on Corals shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. "Coral, this man is my second Thomas Bradshaw, my Second or as some Packs would say my Beta.

Coral glanced at the man in the doorway again before looking up at Taren. Her eyes sparkled and the corner of her mouth crept up into an almost smile, then she pushed her chair out a little and turned slightly. "Katnip, come here sweetie. Come on," she called softly patting her lap, "I doubt he's as tasty as Rhys."

At hearing Rhys' name Katnip turned to Coral ignoring the man and was soon in Corals lap rubbing her face against her friends arm, purring and doing her best to curl up and get comfortable. Both females ignoring Thomas when he finally entered the room.

"Boss?" Began Thomas somewhat confused before returning to business. "I thought I'd get here early in case you wanted to go over anything with me."

Taren nodded at a seat opposite him and Coral, "Have you eaten?"

When he shook his head in the negative Owen got to his feet to fix him a sandwich and pour him a coffee. Coral was about to go see if she could help when Thomas spoke. "I apologise if I embarrassed you. It's not often I find the boss sitting around the kitchen table with a beautiful girl. Especially one with a big mean kitty cat."

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