Owen stifled a laugh, slowly shaking his head. "I'm very much looking forward to meeting both visitors. You said Coral wanted to talk recipes; perhaps she might like me show her around the gardens as well."

Taren nodded, "Good idea. I can take care of Katnip while you're roaming the grounds. Katnip already likes me, so I was thinking she could sit in on the meeting with us. That way Coral won't need to worry about her. What do you think?"

Owen smiled softly, "I think it should be a memorable meeting. Will I be serving lunch to anyone else?"

"No Owen, today is pretty much a meet and greet, but if you could organise coffee for when everyone arrives that'd be good." Taren rubbed a hand through his hair considering his next words, "Having Rhys on board will be useful in regards to the locals feeling more confident about me. He's a local boy and from what I've discovered well liked. At least by most people."

"Oh?" replied Owen a little confused.

Taren shook his head, "He's Siobhan's brother. The bastard might be good at his job, but he's got a hell of a lot to learn about family and taking care of them." He got to his feet, moving to the sink to rinse his mug and set it on the drainer.

"You know he threatened to have Corals cat killed for scratching him up, when the damned cat was only trying to protect her."

"Then I'm certain," Owen began, "by the end of today's meeting, Rhys will realise that this particular feline is a friend of the Pack, and that he will need do all within his power to keep both the feline and her owner safe."

Taren met Owen's eyes a grin played across his face. Yes, it would be an interesting meeting. They needed Rhys, both for his expertise and his connections within the community. That being said, Taren wasn't about to let the man use his position to bully any of his people and both Coral and Katnip were now his people.

Taren sighed, "I'll be in my office if you need me. Coral and her furry friend should be here by twelve thirty."

Taren sat at his desk looking over some paperwork unable to fully concentrate on what he was doing. He had high hopes for Rhys, was hoping he'd have a few recommendations for local men they could look at pulling into his ranks.

Taren fully intended to make this his home and melding both his people and the locals would be vital in keeping the peace. The last thing he needed was the Head of Security to be arrogant and full of himself. Best to sort things out now and if it took a cat to do it, then so be it.

Taking a deep breath, exhaling he focused on his work, all thoughts of Rhys, tabby cats and the upcoming meeting pushed aside. In what seemed like minutes there was a light knock on his door and the sound a scuffle. Taren lifted his head and realising he'd left his door open was surprised to hear a hiss, a squeal then see a flash orange cross his office floor before landing in his lap.

Luckily he'd pulled back from his desk, giving the flash of orange enough room to fit. Taren looked from the tabby to Coral standing in the doorway looking like she was ready for the world to fall down around her. Or for her new Alpha to read her the riot act for letting her cat run loose through his house.

Taren looked down at the tabby so comfortably rubbing up against his leg like he had every right to do so. Like he belonged there. He looked up at Coral again, saw tears glistening in her eyes. He knew she was expecting him to yell at her. He couldn't. He'd invited her and Katnip into his home. If Katnip took that to mean she could treat it as if it were her own; who was he to tell her any different.

Any other Alpha would have been on his feet screaming his head off by now, not Taren; he actually saw the positive side of the situation - saw that Coral needed this to be okay. What could he do but react the only way a person could react - he let go, letting laughter take over.

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