Cheryl pretended to be shocked. "Veronica Lodge, I'm surprised at you! Why would I want to sabotage a member of my own squad?"

"Because you're always trying to sabotage Betty! Always!"

"Veronica..." Betty said from the ground.

Veronica sighed, tearing her gaze away from Cheryl, and moving to kneel in front of Betty. "How do you feel?"

"Everything hurts." 

She offered Betty a hand, trying to pull her to her feet, but Betty winced as Veronica grabbed her left wrist. 

"Ow--ow--let go--!"

Veronica immediately dropped her wrist. "Shit, is it broken?"

Betty nodded, in too much pain to speak.

"Oh, no!" Cheryl said, not even bothering to try and sound sincere. "Want me to walk you to the nurse, Betty?"

"No--no, I can go myself..."

"I'll go with you," Veronica said immediately.

"But, Veronica," Cheryl said, "we need to get back to practicing--"

"I'm skipping the rest of this practice," she announced. Gently, she put her hands on Betty's shoulders, helping her to her feet. Once she was up, she said, "Come on, Betty," before Cheryl could protest any further.

As they walked away from the rest of the squad, Betty whispered, "It's really okay, Ronnie. I can go by myself."

"No way," she said. "I wouldn't leave you alone when you're in pain. Besides, if I stay within thirty feet of Cheryl Blossom right now, I may strangle her."

"Don't be mad at Cheryl, it was an accident." Veronica gave her an exasperated look. "What? I'm sure it was!" 

"Oh, come on. I know you try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but--"

"Cheryl's preferred method is mental assault, not physical," Betty said. "...Besides, even if it was on purpose, it's not like we could prove it. It's our word against hers." She sighed, shaking her head. "I shouldn't have responded when Cheryl started picking on me. It was stupid."

"You were standing up for yourself!" Veronica said. "That's not stupid. That's self-respect."

"Yeah, self-respect that got my wrist broken."

"Better that than just lying down and taking it."

Betty shrugged, but didn't say anything else.

The walk over to the nurse was quiet, Veronica silently fuming and thinking of all the ways she could kill Cheryl next time she saw her, and soon enough, they were sitting on the slightly-too-hard bed in the nurse's office. It only took the nurse about two minutes to decide that, while she probably didn't need to go Urgent Care, Betty would need to be taken to the hospital to get her wrist in a cast.

"I'll call your mom," the nurse said. She handed her an ice pack before moving over to the phone. "Keep that on your wrist."

"Great," Betty muttered, half to herself. "Soon, I'll have a lecture about how I never should've joined the squad in the first place and how I should've listened to my mother all along, and a broken wrist." She sighed, before leaning over to rest her head on Veronica's shoulder. "Thanks for coming with me, Ronnie."

Veronica managed a small smile, and reached a hand up to brush some of Betty's hair out of her eyes. "I know you'd do the same for me."

"I just hate making people worry."

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