"Isn't it funny," Jim said, "I lost money and was worried to lose love. And I meet you, who has lost love and is worried to lose money."

"I'm not worried about losing money," Mike said calmly. "It's just that I can't give it to a person who suddenly out of the blue falls out of love with me." Mike took a deep breath. "One day you are happy with your life and the next morning your wife tells you that she wants a divorce. How is that fair?"

"Hey look at that group of kids there," Jim said trying to steer the conversation away from his pain, "I'll bet my next month's pay that they are underage."

"Then I'll wager all the alimony my wife's gonna get from me," Mike chuckled.

It was a group of five; two boys and three girls.

"Here's to us," Samantha raised her glass, "starting a new life."

There was a sound of five glasses clinking and they all drank their drinks in a single gulp.

"It was a surprise though," said William playfully, "that Sam got into a college."

"Shut your pie-hole or I'll kill you before the enemy gets a chance," Samantha glared.

"Oh please, can you not talk about how William is going to die at war," Alice said, "it makes me nervous."

"There is more chance of me getting shot here than of Will dying at war," Robert said.

"No, there isn't," supplied Samantha, "But Bob is right, anyone can die anytime. Will's got no worse odds."

"You have to do something about your nerves, Al," William said, wrapping his arm around his sister, "How will you concentrate on becoming a lawyer, if you keep yourself worried about me?"

"I think it would be good for her, if she can't concentrate," Jessica said.

"What?" she shrugged as everyone looked at her with a quizzical look, "Al's life will be miserable if she becomes a lawyer. She hates the profession."

"Jess's right. Just because Will chose to go to the army, does not mean that you have to follow your dad's footsteps," Robert said.

"Of course Jess is right," Alice said rolling her eyes, "Mr. Boyfriend. What will you do at Cambridge without Jess being there to feed you thoughts?"

"Whatever happens, we'll be together," Jessica said, a little too confidently.

Jessica and Robert looked at each other, sadness appearing in their eyes. They both were remembering what Jessica had said when she got her rejection letter from Cambridge, their dream college. 'You have to go, Bob. You have to live the dream for both of us.'

"Well Jess, I disagree," Samantha said breaking the eerie silence, "I think it was a typical lawyer trait by which Al got us to change the topic."

"You certainly got me there," replied Alice, regretting her earlier comment.

"You would be a better asset to Scotland Yard, Sam, forget volleyball," Jessica said.

"Like that can ever happen," Robert rolled his eyes.

"Unless she gets hit by a hurricane that wipes off her memory," Jessica joked.

"I won't be so sure about that," Alice said with a smile, "not even a hurricane can wipe off volleyball from Sam's mind."

"Speaking of hurricanes, where is David?"

"His dad is giving him pretty hard time for not getting into Cambridge," Alice said, "I reckon he won't be able to make it."

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