Chapter 1

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It was a miserable day here in our little town. The rain coming down sideways feeling like bullets against my skin as I walk home from work. The path through the woods was becoming darker with each passing second. Not a creature made a sound with in nor did there scents linger. It was an eerily calming scene before me.

As I moved further into the woods I could see the lights of the pack houses nestled within the thick brush. I never really fit in here. After my family left me behind the pack ignored me. My pack mates whispered around me calling me names. My favorite was the Ice Queen. I have no idea who came up with that one but it made me giggle.

As I sat down and cracked a beer on my front porch I watched the desolate walkway in front of my house. The rain pounded the sides like a calming lullaby. As I rocked back and forth I heard screaming coming from the center of our compound. I launched off of the porch running down the trial to the screams. And what I found when I got there was terrifying.

A blood bath of the pack warriors lined the small road through the center of town. Women and children coward in the corners. Men tried to fight this loosing battle. Women laid down whimpering for the dying mates. But that wasn't the scariest part. That was when I made eye contact with a midnight black wolf the size of me.

He towered over my small human form. But it was the electric feeling running through my veins. He growled at me and took a step forward. I smirked at him and growled back. This caused him to paused his movement and cock his head to the side. A smirk of his own came a cross his face and a glint in his eyes came to. I giggled and said, "catch me if you can mate." And with that a turned and dashed down the path. I could here his footsteps following me. As dashed past my house and came to the ravine behind it. I launched into the air shifting over it and landing on the other side. And made it 6' from the bank before he tackled my red and grey wolf to the ground.

I growled a playful growl and wiggled underneath him. I shifted back first to show him that I trusted him. I smiled up at him. Causing his piercing blue eyes to sparkle down at me. That look in his eyes made my body heat up and become gooey. He rolled off of me and shifted with his back to me. I raised to my knees and just watched him. He must of been maybe 6'7 or  6'8 much taller then me. His back was a toned machine with scares littered across it.

I calmly waited for him to turn around. As he did his short dark brown hair almost black caught in the wind. I gasped as I stared into those same piercing blue eyes.

Before I could say anything he looked down and started to speak. "So now that you know who I am your gonna call me a murderer. Aren't you?!? AREN'T YOU?!????" I sat stunned by his put burst. It never even crossed my mind. Is that wrong of me? To not care what his is? While I was daydreaming he appeared in front of me. His beautiful face ridged into an angry glare. Then before I could stop it a giggle escaped my lips. And before I knew it a was laughing hysterically at his feet. Laughing so hard tears spilled down my face. Finally when I composed myself again I looked at him and said, " Is that what you think? That I would turn you away for the things you've done? I'm sorry but no. I'm sure you have a reason for what you did. But your my mate. As long as you never forget that then everything will be fine. That is the only thing that would cause me to turn against you. Everything else is just.... is just.... the rest of the world. Ohh puddin' your gonna be stuck with me for the rest of our lives." 

He stood in from of me dumb founded by what I just said. I looked at him waiting for him to do something. And finally he did. A huge smile spread across his face and he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me against the tree. As my feet were just inches away from the edge of the ravine he growled in to my neck. As he came up and looked at me with his canines extended. He said, "Now baby this is gonna make us be forever. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. I'll live for you and I'll fight for you. Now that's all I'll ask for in return."
Once he finished I smiled up at his tall figure and whispered, " I'll one up you on that one darling. I'll die for you."
And with that his eyes darkened and he growled and pierced my neck with his teeth. A scream of pleasure burst from my chest. I dragged my nails down his neck pulling him closer as he drank my blood.

When he dislodged he looked down and me and started to take a step away. But I had different plans. With my canines descended I lunged at him and wrapped my legs around his waist and sunk my teeth into his sweet spot. A wicked growl ripped through his chest. Causing me to smile as I pulled back. I went to swing down from him but he's iron grip on my thighs stopped me from moving. He narrowed his eyes on me as I smiled at him.

Then taking me completely by surprise he burst out laughing. He dropped me down and started laughing hysterically. I stood there stunned. Having never seen an alpha laugh let alone the most powerful alpha in the world. He finally recovered and said, " sorry darlin but that was not what I expected. Most females are too scared to mark there mate. It usually only happens with a more dominant female and a lesser male." 

I blinked and looked him straight in the eyes and said, "You thought you were walking around without a claim?! Now your gonna make me laugh!" He just smiled and shook his head at me and brushed my long hair away from my neck. I watched as a possessive look crossed his face as he stared down at my mark. I started to worry that he didn't like it...

He interrupted my thought with a cluck of his tongue. " Now now that's no way to talk. It's absolutely beautiful. Let me show you." And with that I let him into my mind for the first time. I saw a picture of my neck with his name scrolled across my neck in perfect cursive.  Then at the bas of my neck a black wolf howling to the moon. It was beautifully simple. I sent a similar picture of mine back to him they were almost matching where mine had his wolf mine had mine curled up sleep at the base of his neck with my full name "Izabella" across his collard bone.

I loved it. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. In my mind he said 'let's go home darnin'. I became giddy of the thought of going home with him.  And with that we started walking back to he center of the compound.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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