Chapter 29: The Text

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So guess who had to get teeth pulled?Me! I have to get braces soon, and I'm not looking forward to it. So, while I'm waiting for the anesthetic to wear off, why not write something?!

Ruby squirmed slightly in her sleep, before opening her eyes. She squinted slightly at the light and tried to sit up. However, an arm stopped her from doing so.

"The fuck?" She thought, until she remembered last night. She flipped over to see Chrollo still sound asleep, with his arms around her.

She kissed his cheek lightly before turning over and falling asleep again.

Time Skip

Ruby didn't even realize that Chrollo was shaking her until she woke up to see him crouching over her.

"You're impossible to wake up. You know that?" He said, taking her hand and pulling her up. "I love you anyways." He added, giving her a kiss. Ruby relaxed into it immediately. She suddenly smirked. She had an idea.

Once Chrollo broke for air, Ruby pushed him backwards and stuffed a pillow into his face.

"Last one downstairs has to make breakfast!" She yelled, taking off running, laughing her head off.

"No fair! I wasn't ready! Ack! Wait!" Chrollo yelled back, stumbling behind her.

When their little race was done, it was no surprise that Ruby won. Sitting at the table and smirking, she said, "I request chocolate chip pancakes. And I eat mine with bacon pieces cooked in." (Seriously, guys. Try it. It's incredible.)

"Alright. I might spit in the batter, though." He replied, giving her a wink.

His sarcasm was met with a hit upside the head.

Time skip

After breakfast and getting ready, Ruby headed downstairs to see Chrollo at the table, finishing up Misery. His eyes widened and he put the book down. He looked over at her.

"Thanks for ruining me. Again." He said, lightly smacking her with the book.

"Well.... there IS a movie...." Ruby started, taking his hand.

"Fuck. We're watching it." He said, pulling her to the living room. She sighed at his excitement and followed.

The pair settled down on the couch together and put on the movie. Occasionally, Ruby felt herself nodding off, but a shower of kisses all over her face made her perk back up and lightly punch his arm.

It was about halfway through the movie when the text came.

At first, it didn't seem that bad. The Hobbling scene was about to come on, and Ruby and Chrollo both knew what was coming. As they were mentally preparing themselves for the upcoming gore, Chrollo's phone binged with a text. Ruby paused the movie so he could read it.

As he read the text, his face got darker and darker with concern. A bit scared, Ruby peeked over his shoulder to read it. It was from Feitan. 


I hope you and  Ruby are doing alright where you are. I know you two are happy together, but it might be short lived. 

We've been thinking about the two of you for a while, and we want Ruby back with us, and we'll let her in and return her tattoo to her. But, there's a catch. 

The two of you can never be officially together. 

I know it sounds crazy, but hear us out. We are thieves and killers, and we shouldn't have feelings. You, our boss, broke that code, even though you made it up.

You know you're going to have to return to us eventually, and if she refuses, you'll have to go long blocks of time without seeing her. 

You're our boss, so your word is final. But, this is both of your decision. 

Chrollo slowly put his phone down and stared blankly ahead. Ruby pulled away and did the same. She was a thief and killer. It was in her blood. It was her life. Would she just throw it away just for Chrollo? Her mind swarmed with doubts and worries. Chrollo slowly put his arm around her. 

"what will it be?" He asked nonchalantly. Ruby turned to him and hugged him. "We had just gotten together too." He added, his voice getting lower.

"I....I.... need time to decide." She replied, looking down. Chrollo just sighed. 

"I need to go outside for a while. To be alone." he said, getting up and walking out of the room. Ruby sighed and went up to her room to think. 

Time skip

When Ruby came downstairs after a while, Chrollo was sitting at the table, staring at his hands. He looked up at her. She could tell that he'd been crying. Soundlessly, she went over to him and hugged him, lightly kissing his cheek. Once she pulled away, she sat down and turned to him. "I've made my decision." she said. 

"Oh. What is it?" he replied, still looking down. 


To be continued.....

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