Start from the beginning

Fred opened up the door to a confusing sight in front of him. Which was two guys on top of a girl.

"Umm. I'll just go," Fred said.

"No! No, help!" Amethyst yelped. "They're shoving their teenage odour in my face!"

Fred chuckled. "Guys, it's getting pretty late," Fred said before walking further into the room and screwing up his face just as Archie and Jughead got off of Amethyst. "Whoa, it's ripe in here. Somebody wanna open the window?"

Archie got up to open the window as Amethyst sat up with her hands on her cheeks. "All I smell is stench. The world is covered in stench," she whispered, causing Jughead to chuckle.

"You settling in, Jug and Amie?" Fred asked.

"Oh, completely," Jughead answered honestly.
"It's like Archie and i are just roommates in a college dorm and Buttercup is that girl who keeps wanting to join us because we're cool."

Amethyst glared at Jughead. "Pretty sure it's the other way around, Forsythe."

"Oh, great. What does that make me, the RA?" Fred asked.

"No, you're the third roommate," Archie said.

"The actual responsible roommate that cleans the other twos shit," Amethyst chuckled, earning a shove from both Archie and Jughead.

"Alright, guys. I got a big day tomorrow,"Fred said.

"Breaking ground on the SoDale project, right?" Archie asked.

"Yeah. Indeed we are," Fred smiled, before turning to Jughead and Amethyst. "Sorry. I know that's kind of a sore spot with you, Jughead and Amie, about the drive-in."

"As long as you build something beautiful in its place," Jughead said.

Amethyst frowned before smiling at Fred. "It's all good, Fred."

Fred chuckled. "I don't know about beautiful, but, uh, it's gonna be big. Night guys."

"Night, dad," Archie smiled.

Fred grabbed the door and closed it as he walked out.

Jughead, used to waking up at 5:30 everyday to get ready for school, woke up at around 6:30 the next day. He stared up at the roof of Archie's room and sighed before turning over, only to face a sleeping Amethyst. But he wasn't, like, face to face with her. She was asleep on her back with her head tilted to the side.

Jughead had to hold in a laugh when he saw that Amethyst had her mouth open and seemed to be catching flies. She had a bit of drool coming out of her mouth as she snored quietly.

Jughead knew that the first movie he saw where a girl slept beautifully was fake, and Amethyst was a big example of that. Her eyes didn't flutter from the dreams she was seeing, her hair wasn't neatly placed over the pillow, a small smile wasn't on her lips as she dreamt of something that no one else would. Instead, she was the complete opposite.

Jughead was startled when Amethyst stopped snoring and closed her mouth. He didn't want to be caught looking at her while he was sleeping.

THE DRIVE ( jughead jones )Where stories live. Discover now