Chapter 2

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The next day, when I arrive at third hour, which is science with Mr. Morgenstern, I notice everyone is standing at the front of the room.
"What's going on?" I whisper to Jace's girlfriend Clai-Clary, recognizable by her wild red hair.
"We're getting new partners for the big project Mr. Morgenstern was talking about," Clary responds.
I look around. Hopefully I'm paired with someone not TOO awful.

"Alright, is everyone here? Yes, yes, okay! I'll read off the sheet for your new seats and partners, so just, ah... just sit where I tell you. Yes, yes. In the front, Sebastian and Camille..."

Mr. Morgenstern continues. I tune him out until I hear my name called. "Alexander and Magnus, right here. Yes."
I inwardly cringe. Magnus isn't TOO bad, but he's the gayest guy EVER. His style is crazy. He must be bisexual, because he's dating Camille Belcourt, an enthusiastic blonde cheerleader, but he's just so... so GAY.

We're sitting in the very back of the room.
God, I hope he doesn't try to flirt with me or something.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic, but...

His hair is styled in a black spiky hairdo. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a red and blue shirt, and a scarf. Yes, a SCARF.

"Spend this class period time getting to know your partner, and write some information down. It will count as a participation grade. Okay? You can begin," Mr. Morgenstern says. As soon as he's finished, the room erupts into loud chatter.

Magnus turns toward me and pulls out a piece of paper.
"Alright. So I guess we'll start with the basics? What's your full name?" he asks. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood," I say quietly. "Alright," Magnus murmurs while scribbling it down. "Um, favorite color?"
Magnus shoots me a look before writing it down too. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head and grins. "I've just never heard anyone say their favorite color is BLACK. Black is a wonderful color to match clothes with, but... it's quite drab," he says.
I shrug. "I'm not much of a color person, I guess." I motion to my outfit, jeans and a black t-shirt.

Magnus looks at me, carefully. "You should wear a light blue shirt sometime. It would bring out your eyes. They're a very nice shade of blue," he comments. I have no idea why, but I feel my cheeks heating up. "Thanks," I mutter.
He smirks and goes back to asking me questions, and I answer them all. Once he's finished with me, I ask him questions in return.

Soon enough the bell rings to go to fourth hour, and I quickly scurry out of the room. It's not like I dislike being around Magnus, but I wouldn't jump at an opportunity to hang out with him.
'Come on, Alec,' I think to myself, 'Give him a chance.'

But guys like him and guys like me just... don't mix well.

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