Chapter 2 - Mother is that you?

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the door opens and Mr. Lawson enters, holding a black backpack. She waves at Ben to leave so he does. Without saying nothing more, she places the sack on the next bed and pulls out a needle. The sight of it makes me wimper a little but she doesn't even look at me. She grabs one cable and inserts the needle into a blue small thing connected to it. "This is your food since you will not be able to eat anything solid for some days. Now, I need to check out your injury. But that's gonna hurt." I bet she loves doing that since she hates me. 

She lifts my T-shirt and puts her hands on my chest. I groan cause it aches so badly but she doesn't even bother to comfort me, just continues doing her job. "You know Todd, the people want you as their leader. You are their savior. Of course, you saved them from Prentiss..."

"Ben is the reason we have peace I don't think I can run this town on my own, but he can do it. He speaks the language of the Land so it will be easy to keep us in peace. The Sky doesn't even like me."

"Are you sure about this? Being a leader gives makes you an important person." She insists in an ironic tone. "Mayor Prentiss considered you as special."

"I don't need to be popular. I just want to live in peace."

"Alright then, I'll announce it to him. Now hold steady cause I need to change your bandages."

I nod and grab the sheet with my left hand because I know it's gonna hurt.

She moves to the next bed, takes out clean bandages and comes back again. She removes the old ones and for the first time I can see the wound, it's full of blood, it's gonna leave a huge scar for sure.

"It was worse when they brought you."

I don't say anything to that, just staring at it. 

She presses it a little, I wince and black out for a moment but I recover and catch her eyes. She does not say a word, just puts the clean bandage on my chest. It hurts, that means the medicine works well. 

She approaches the door with no words.

"You know, I am not responsible for his actions. I tried to change him."

"He killed innocents."

"I tried to stop him."

"Todd, I don't blame you for anything but I cannot trust you either." She spits out and leaves.


"He is still so weak, what if he doesn't make it?" I affirm to Liam who seems worried too. We are in our ship now, Bradley and Ben are also here, ready to insert the healing room to visit Todd. "You're gonna meet him now." 

We open the door. Todd is lying down on the bed, his right hand on his chest and left on the sheet, his eyes at the screens, watching the people's activities. He turns his gaze to us when he hears Bradley's Noise and I notice how tired and weak and pale he looks, I remember how I almost lose him weeks ago and I can figure how much he wants to go out and help the victims of this war. His Noise is open now, I can read all his thoughts, I can see the conversation he had with Mistress Lawson, how awful he felt when she exclaimed she does not trust him. I really want to punch her right now but all I do is give a fake smile.

"This is Todd, the one I told you about," I announce and he smiles.

He sits up a little just to meet our eyes and smiles again.

"Hello, Todd," Liam says giving him a handshake. 

"Hi." Todd answers without moving his hand and his Noise roars.

"He is one of the new settlers," I exclaim happily.

"Oh, I see." He says and groans from the pain.

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