Chapter 1: The Team Unites

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As a Massive Attack was incoming the Speaker knew just what to do. Assemble the Team. Alen, The Titan of the Team, is a very strong individual. He fought alongside Jason and is know for his capability to learn how to use any weapon very fast. Jason, The Hunter of this New team is a great hero, battled in so many fights before and will now be the teams, Second-in-Command. The Warlock of the Team, only known as Shadow has fought countless times before and is a great hero, known as one of the many to help take down The Black Garden, he is one of the best. Each of these three heroes will be able to take down the even more looming threat. "Are you sure you can trust these people to help protect the city, Speaker?" "Yes, I do trust them" "but they are terrible, Shadow works well alone and--" "And we will teach him how to work with others." "Shadow has only worked with one person in his whole career" "The Hunter, let's get him on the team as well." The Speaker Said "Fine, but I got a bad feeling about this." 

"I just don't know what to do with my life right now," Shadow said. "uh yeah, but I don't really care" The Ghost Said. "Shut up Ghost." "Wait, Shadow, I'm getting something from the tower." "But we haven't heard from them in a while-- what does it say?" Shadow said. "Here I will play it" The Ghost Said. A Beeping noise was heard for a small amount of time before the video started. "Shadow we need you to join our new team as the leader," The Speaker said. "Uh, no Speaker, I told you I don't work well with other people," Shadow said. "Take some time to think it over," The Speaker said. "whatever" Shadow said. They hung up, but then, "Shadow I am getting another call," The Ghost said. They accepted the call and, "Hey, Shadow!" The Hunter said. "Oh hey, what's up Hunter?" Shadow said. "Nothing much, so uh, I joined a team the Speaker was making and I think you should join, we need you as the team leader!" "So you're with him and this 'team' of his" "well, yes, but we need you, if you don't join then I will have to lead the team, I could do it but I want you to do it!" "I don't know if I could" "Oh come on Shadow, you can do it, just put your mind to it!" Hunter said. "Okay, fine I will" Said Shadow. "Great! Come to the Tower as soon as you can!" "Will do See Ya!" They hung up again. "Hey, Shadow, are you sure about this!" "Yeah, I'm positive!" Shadow said.

In the Tower, The Three were standing waiting for Shadow to show up, and after a long time, it seemed as though Shadow was not coming. "I told you Shadow is not coming," Zavala said. "He's Coming" The Speaker Said. "Wait, Wait, Wait don't start doing anything I am here," Shadow said as he approached. "Told you" The Speaker Mumbled. "Anyway, we brought you all here today because we need you to be an elite team, something that could stop this new threat, who call themselves the bloodhounds," Ikora said. "Okay, and who is the leader of this clan?" Shadow said. "leader?" "Well yeah, we have Oryx the leader of the Taken, and Crota The Leader of the Hive, so who is the leader of these 'bloodhounds'?" "Oh that is Darius," Ikora said. "Okay, any other questions?" The Speaker said. "Nope," They all Said. "I have one" Cayde said. "Will there be any loot?" "Cayde, my Friend, we will find out," The Speaker said.

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