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"I love you"

The Piano boy whispers in her ear

His voice trembles

But he doesn't move away

The Piano boy is so close to her

She can see his breath misting in the chilly air

She can feel it on her face

She looks up into his eyes

They aren't too close yet

They could pull back

Either of them

But they only close the gap

 The Wise girl sits up


 This dream has happened three times

"If only." She murmurs

If only it could be real

If only she could tell him

The Piano Boy

How she felt

But The Wise Girl is too smart

Too unsure

To put herself out there

She will not be hurt

The Wise Girl watched the night sky from her window

She sees no stars

For the lights around her house are too bright

She sees only airplane lights

She sees only pretenders


At school, in her home, on the street

Even in her beloved night sky

The Piano Boy plays


The stage is lit, the lights are set, but still

He is alone

The audience is empty

He is unguarded

No need to be afraid

No need to hide

He hears her first

Her steps are gentle and quiet

He should not have herd her

But it is just a dream

The Piano Boy knows this

But he revels in the dream

No reservations

No fears

"Come here." He whispers

And The Wise Girl does not pull away

Like she does in real life

She sits next to him as he placed her fingers on the keys

He guides her hands

Teaching her

Sharign with her the way

To play the song that she loves so much

"Why do you pull away?"

The Piano Boy murmurs in her ear as he guides her hands across the smooth ivory keys

"Do you not like me?"

She does not answer

The Piano Boy expected no answer

For this was only a dream

She would never have let him this close in real life

The Wise Girl didn't like him

But his dreams were unbound by laws of truth

He was unlimited here

"Stay here with me." He murmurs in her ear

He hopes

He allows himself to hope

To hope that she'll respond

She does

"Always." She murmurs

The Piano Boy opens his eyes

His alarm is blaring

Jarring his senses

He wants to return to that happy place

But he will see her today

The Wise Girl

The Final Performace

The Talent show is today

The Piano Boy is nervous

He can't help but be a little afraid

But he can do it

He can play for her

Across town

The Wise Girl is already awake

She waits at her bus stop

Sitting on the stone wall

She thinks of him

She can't help it

"Get his out of your head."

She whispers to herself

She knows it is no use

It will do her no good

The Wise Girl thinks for a moment

And then she decides something

She runs inside for a moment

She prins out the music

The sheet music the Piano Boy can't read

The music of her song

It's thier song

The Wise Girl puts it in her bag and gets on the bus

 It's a love letter to him

One The Piano Boy will never read

But the Piano can sing to him

The Piano BoyWhere stories live. Discover now