a warning.

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a lot of people asked me how i got this idea/if it's a satanic fanfic and the answer is no.

i got this idea from how my family works. my father is a very controlling man, and what goes on in this fic is simply a more extreme version of what my father does.

'the rules' is a cry of help, i suppose. a letter, an explanation. for if anything ever happens to me while inside these walls (my father can turn violent quickly).

of course, some of this will be dramatized, for plot's sake. but most of it is very real, and only part of what happens with controlling people.

do not read if you cannot take it. there will be violence, swearing, constant degrading, and sexual moments.

that is all. thank you.

i hope you enjoy the fic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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