The Myth; The End

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She didnt breathe or move. The darkness had engulfed her a lifetime ago. now she was only a shell; where before she was a person.

'Goodnight little baby. Goodbye little one'

She had been taken without notice or reason. Her time had been used before she could have the chance to try it out

'So the old goes, and so comes the new'

Yes, she would be replaced. Anyone could see that; that's just how it what happens. Her seat in chemistry, taken by a stranger; oblivious to the history of its past occupant. Her place beside her boyfriend, filled with any other girl he pleased.

'And still the toll rises and nobody knows'

Nobody would notice that she was missing until she was long dead and disintegrated.

'And so the baby lays on the street; losing faith and losing sleep'

She would lay, dying and dead; until someone, maybe, noticed her ashes. No one would find her though. No one would even remember what happened on the street.

'On the morning doth she lose her life'

The dawn was approaching, the girl's breathing was shallowing. She would be gone with the sun.

'Do not fight what you must know'

She was not afraid of death; she would embrace her death, she was willing to see the end. She had been alive far too long anyway.

'The babies Russian Roulette comes to an end'

She welcomed the sun; it rose slowly. When it did, she burst into flames. Relief.

'And so ends the myth of the vampire's life'

The Myth; The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें