Puppy Chow

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"Benny this is stupid, I doubt she's actually a werewolf." Ethan sighed as he was slowly pushed away from his desk so Benny could finish googling it.

"Look she's acting weird." Benny mumbled while he typed furiously.

"Yes well so are you, following her around on full moons and putting silver everywhere, which by the way, I've seen her touch." He waited for Benny to look away but he just shrugged.

"Ha, see once a month she's grumpy and it's always on a full moon." Benny declared and Ethan groaned.

"There are other reasons for that." He watched as Benny pulled out an old book and started copying bits into the search engine.


"Benny!" You growled as he ran off to Ethan's house and slammed the door.

"I found out and I was right she is!" He yelped and dived for the sofa.

"What?" Ethan asked as he was dived on by Benny.

"I broke into her house and looked through her stuff to prove I was right and she is a werewolf." Benny explained and before Ethan could respond his front door flew open and you stormed in, smirking at them, when they shrieked and shrank away from you.

"You broke into her house?" Ethan whispered to Benny who seemed to recover from the shock of having you burst in.

"(Y/N) hey there, doesn't it feel good to have everything out in the open, now I won't keep bothering you." He smiled and winked.

"I'm telling Grandma Weir." Was all you said and he seemed to keel over as he scrambled across the room to you.

"Or how about I help you with the whole werewolf thing... I thought you'd get mad with my snooping so I looked up some potions and spells that'll help." He wiggled a note book in his hands and you sighed.

"Fine but if you tell anyone or if you annoy me..." You threatened and he nodded.

"I'm puppy chow got it." He nodded and Ethan shook his head at his friend.

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