With a towel on her shoulders, Ayana came out from her room and was greeted with the delicious aroma that came from the kitchen accompanied by the sound of melodious singing that has been so familiar for her. She hold up her mind to go to the bath, and immediately stepped into the kitchen and hugged Dongho-who was cooking-from behind.

"Morning!" Dongho greeted without taking his eyes off the stove and fry pan. Ayana only makes a sound of 'hmm' - stay in a position to hug Dongho and lean her head on Dongho's broad shoulders. "In 10 minutes breakfast will be ready, you better get ready and we will eat together."

"5 minutes more." said the girl -spoiled. Of course she wanted to linger more in Dongho's arms - hugging someone she called her 'home' all along. Dongho let the young girl enjoy the time she requested, of course Dongho also enjoy time to be adjacent to the most special person in his life.

Ayana releases his arms and kisses Dongho's cheek before moving on, "Wait for me to get ready, Oppa!" She exclaimed as she ran to the bathroom and got ready. Dongho just shook his head just to see the behavior of Ayana.

Dongho arranged all the food he had cooked on the table and patiently waited for Ayana-who had not left the bathroom yet. To reduce wasted time, Dongho goes to his room and starts getting ready to go to work - lucky he always chooses to get up and shower early.

"OPPA !!!" Ayana shouted hysterically making Dongho who still unfinished button up his shirt running immediately towards the bathroom door that is still closed. Ayana's frightened voice continued to be heard.

"Why?" He asked frantically, knocking on the bathroom door-hoping Ayana would open it soon. "Ayana ... let's open." He knock the door once again.

Ayana opened a little bathroom door and showed her face full of tears behind the door, "Why are you crying?" Asked Dongho confused.

"I'm bloody ....."


Dongho bowed his body while not forgetting to say thank you to Ahjumma who lives next to his apartment and answering him with a warm smile before the Ahjumma closed her apartment door. Dongho let out his breath slowly and walked to Ayana's room-to know the condition of the young girl. Ayana chose to laid on her bed- at the nightstand the package given by Ahjumma still have not been cleared up by Ayana.

"Hey ..." Dongho approached Ayana and sat on the edge of his bed, "Get better?" He asked. Ayana just nodded slowly.

"Does Oppa not go to work?" Ayana asked.

"In a moment ..." Dongho replied, "Actually I would prefer at home and accompany you if only there is a friend who can replace my shift today. "

Ayana smiled sweetly, "I'm all right, Oppa. It's just my first period on my life - Ahjuma explains. "

"All right, but call me if you need anything, okay?"


Dongho blinked his eyes several times when he felt his eyes begin to blur again from to long to see the details of the new clothing model that will be issued by the company where he works -extra shift. The clothes he had to sew would still pile up, but the stiffness and the blur always bothered heim every few minutes and drained his concentration. He took his glasses off - which it perched on his nose, and put it well on the sewing table. He looked closely at his worn glasses with the lens that had not been upgraded for so long. Dongho smiled ridiculous - of course he would prefer saving his money for his life with Ayana instead of buying the latest glasses that would later be replaced again, again, and again.

Dongho pulled out his cell phone, stared at the wallpaper on his mobile screen and smiled - Ayana and himself. The puberty that came to Ayana a few weeks ago made him realize the real change that happens on Ayana. The girl now had long straight hair-often ponytailed by her, a slender body and other changes that made Dongho more aware that she was no longer living with a child, but ... a woman. A young woman.

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