The new super rare cat

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It is me, the Cat O'Lantern. I begin to look at the rare cat capsule. It has a bright golden color that looks like a gold cat ( Super rare unit ).

It will spin round and round over and over again and breaks, getting a cat with a rank of ( Rare, Super Rare and Uber Super Rare). I begin to stare at this rare cat capsule.

Suddenly, the daily news come. It will come every day, at 6 a.m. and it every cat will get the newspaper no matter what. The cats will get the newspaper from the delivery cat (rare cat). All cats have to update themselves from the newspaper to know what is going on in the world.

Reading the newspaper, there is a section called cat capsule. It will tell which Ubers super rare cats are here as they are limited. Today is the 'Red Buster's event! I was excited as I had a rare cat ticket after finishing the tutorial.

I zoomed towards the rare cat capsule counter and pass a rare cat ticket. Opening it , it spin round and round over and over again and breaks, and it is an angry delinquent cat (super rare cat)!! I felt like I was a cat with two tails.

I began to look at the map. First area to attack: Korea!!

Pls make yourself comfortable and sit back and relax to watch this short , exciting video!😀

Hope you like the short video!😀( Pls watch the important part of the video: 4:40)

Here is also another video about the drawing of angry delinquent cat!

Pls sit back and relax to watch this short exciting video!😀

Hi, if you like my book pls vote it thanks!!😀

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