Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a bed. I sat up and looked around to see several girls in beds. I looked around the place it was a ship. We were on a ship. I swiftly got up and looked around frantically. I was thirsty. I walked to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. So, I simply knocked. I could hear voices outside. People were yelling and walking and stuff. I knocked again this time a little harder. Then after a few minutes it opened. There stood a man with dark hair and brown eyes. He was quite handsome if you ask me. He had bore expression on his face until he saw me. His expression changed. He seemed dazzled.

I smiled. “Excuse me?” I said bringing him out of his trance.

“Yes?” he asked a bit shocked.

“Can I have a glass of water?” I asked politely.

He nodded hesitantly and went away closing the door. I walked back to my bed sitting on my bed. Then I heard the door open. I turned my head to see a boy. He seemed to be 16 or 17 years old. He also seemed in a daze when his eyes met mine.

I smiled at him “Can I have the water please?” I asked politely.

He snapped out of his daze and shook his head. “Sure” he said handing me the water.

I drank while he stood there staring at me. I felt insecure. I handed him the glass after I finished. He was still staring at me. “Is there something on my face?” I asked confused.

He was a bit taken back. “I…um…” he stuttered “Have I…err… been…um…you know staring?”

Before I could say anything a voice interrupted. “Yes you dork!” we both turned our heads to see a girl about two beds away looking at us.

I chuckled while he glared at her. “Shut up!” He snapped his face red with embarrassment and left.

After he left we sat there in silence for a few seconds then we burst out laughing.

“Did you see his face?” The girl said. I nodded holding in my laughter. “He looked like tomato!” She said and laughed more. After we calmed down she introduced herself. “I’m Jane by the way” she said.

“Victoria” I said smiling.

I heard a few groans and moans, Seems like we wake the others. The other girls sat up in their beds stretching and stuff. Then just in time the door opened and three men walked in. They seemed angry.

“Get up! All you lazy bitches!” one called angrily.

Ouch! That hurts but I still compiled. He walked passing us one by one. I was the last one. He stopped and stared at me for a bit longer. He observed me head to toe. I shifted uncomfortably in his gaze. Then he tore his gaze from me to the other guys whispering things to each other. I frowned. Then the other man who had blonde hair walked to us.

“Girls you must be wondering why are you here?” he asked, his voice gentle. We nodded. “Well, you are here for sale”

Last word hit me like a brick. Sale. He said like it was no big deal. We are not things. We are human beings For god’s sake. You can’t sale us around like that.

“Actually we can” I heard the blonde guy say snapping me out of my thoughts. He seemed angry.

“Um…Did I say that out loud?” I asked worried. He nodded. I’m so dead.

“Yes you are!” he hissed grabbing me by my arm. I heard the other girls gasp. I kept my expression blank. “You will be punished for back talking” He warned and grabbed my arm harder.

I kept in my wince by biting my lip. “What’s going on here?” a voice asked. We all looked to see a really handsome guy. He was dressed in really expensive attire. He seemed to be royalty. The man let me go.

“My prince” He bowed. Prince? “This slave needs to be taught a lesson” he said eying me angrily.

“Why is that?” The prince looked at me and also seemed dazed. Someone cleared their throat bringing him back to reality. “Why would you need to punish such a beautiful lady?” he asked walking towards me. The man was about to say something but he cut him off. “No I need this little lady to explain” he said smiling at me.

I did the slight courtesy before speaking. “You’re Highness” I started “The want to punish me for saying my thoughts out loud” I said speaking the truth.

He chuckled. “Now allow me to hear those punishable thoughts of yours” He said looking back at the blonde. He was staring at the ground.

I nodded. “I only said that they cannot just sell us to anyone that we are not things we are humans. It is just not right. Destroying someone’s freedom just because of your own good is just so…so…” I tried to explain.

“So?” he raised an eyebrow. His eyes were soft.

“So unfair” I finished my voice low.

He was a bit taken back but recovered. He turned away from me walking back to the men. He whispered something to them and they nodded hesitantly. Then he smiled at me one last time and left.

~Two days later~

Turns out that the name of the Prince is Carter. He is a really nice guy. They take us out in fresh air because Prince Carter told them to. Right now we are on the ship staring out in the sea. I have made some friends here. The boy I met first day is Johnny. I also met a girl here she is captains’ daughter, Leona. Johnny has a huge crush on her. She is his age. Jane is my best friend now. I know all the girls now and they seem to like me too.

“That’s my home” Lily my friend said. I followed her gaze to see a small island/village.

“Can you swim there?” I asked.

She nodded. “If I’m allowed to” she said. I nodded and went back to my sea staring.


Everyone was asleep. I got up and tiptoed to the lily. I shook her awake. She seemed a bit surprised. I smiled at her. She frowned.

“What are you doing Victoria?” she whispered/yelled.

“Do you wanna go home?” I asked ignoring her question. She nodded eyeing me suspiciously. “Well, I have a plan for you to get to leave” I smiled while she looked at me unsure.

I explained the plan to her and she nodded. We walked to the door. I walked up to it knocking. Then I heard footsteps. I nodded in her direction. She nodded and laid down pretending like she can’t breathe. The door opened revealing two men. They looked at me angrily then back at Lily.

“Hurry! We need help! We need to get her in the fresh air!” I said hurriedly. They looked at each other and nodded. They brought us out. “Now go get water, Please!” I said.

They nodded and left. When we were sure they were gone. She stopped.

“You are good actress” I complimented. She grinned.

We ran to the edge of the ship. She turned to me. “What will happen to you?” she asked worried.

I smiled “I’ll be fine! Now go!” I said.

She nodded and hugged me. “Thank you! Thank you for everything!” She whispered.

I pulled back. “You’re welcome! Now go!” I said. She nodded and jumped. Just in time the men found me.

“You’re so gonna pay for it”

Broken AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ