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Love. It wasn't always the greatest feeling to Vans.

No, she's not that angsty girl who's had the worst heartbreak before.

And, no, she's not that girl with a horrid past either.

She's just Vans. A simple girl, who likes simple things, simple people, simple feelings. No complications, just, simple.

For Chloe, love was a mess. Sure, she's seen people be really happy being in love, but the pain that came with it, was far too horrible that she was scared to actually experience that mind-jamming feeling herself.

Of course, that all changed when she met Leo(-nardo DiCaprio, heyyyy. Okay, sorry.)


The bell rang, signaling the start of the first period of the first day back in school. Vans was already in class, sitting near the window in the middle row. She had English for her first period, and none of her friends are in that class, unfortunately for her. Seeing as her teacher still hasn't arrived yet, she took out her notebook and started to draw mindlessly.

She was too focused on her drawing that when a hand touched her shoulder, she jumped a little, and her arms automatically went to cover the drawings, making her pens fall.

"Oh god, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to- Ugh, this is great, juuust great." A boy beside her started to scold himself as he picked up her pens. There was a light blush that tinted the boy's cheeks, and Vans couldn't help but giggle at the whole situation.

The boy looked up and immediately shut Vans up as they both locked eyes. After a few seconds, the both of them had finally looked away, both looking like they have tomato cheeks.

"Um, I just wanted to, um, ask if this seat was taken?" The boy decided to speak up after what seemed like forever.

"Uh, yeah, no, It's.. Yeah, you can sit there.." 

He smiled appreciatively at her before putting down his backpack on the floor near the seat and himself on the chair.

"Oh, I'm Leo by the way." He told Vans. She smiled as she repeated his name in her head. Leo.

"I'm Vans."

Their English teacher came in right before Leo wanted to continue the conversation, so the both of them were forced to move their focus on the teacher, rather than each other.

But to be honest, they weren't really paying attention to the teacher, not really.


It's been almost a year since she met Leo, and Vans's days at school has been brighter because of him. She may or may have not developed a tiny- Okay, okay, a huge crush on him. Little did she know, so does he.

"Conversesssss, I need help." Leo was whining, again, over a math question that he couldn't solve. While Math certainly wasn't his favorite subject, it was Vans's. So naturally, she became his tutor. And news to her, (okay, not really "news," she kind of expected him to be this way) he's a whining mess when it comes to math.

"But you just asked me the previous question! Come on, did you even try?" She tapped her pencil on his head as he gave her an adorable pout that made her heart flutter.

"But Va-"

"Nope, at least one try and then I'll help you. I can't be doing all your work you know." Leo gave out a loud fake cry before cramming his head trying to solve the question at hand. Vans merely chuckled and shook her head before resuming to work, all the while trying to calm her heart down before it bursts into pieces over the boy sitting across her in the library of his house.

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