Chapter 2

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Kuro's POV

Once again I had to go to school. No ones gonna notice all my bruises and cuts since no one pays much attention to me. I then got dressed in my normal attire and went to make myself some breakfast which was just some simple toast. And then left for school. After a few minutes of walking I made it to school I went straight to home room and pulled up my hood of my jacket and slumped over the desk.

"Kuro....Kuro.......Kuro stop ignoring me!" Shouted Shiro. I just raise my head slightly so she can't see my face.
"How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?" I reply. She just stands there.
"Why do you have your hood up?" She questions worriedly. I just remain silent thinking of an excuse.
"I'm a vampire and I'm allergic to the sun?" I reply questioning myself. She just looks at me like I'm stupid.
"But it's cloudy today" she stated smartly.
"I'm allergic to people?" I reply once again questioning myself.
"Pull down your hood now!" She demanded
"No I don't have to its my jac-" I then get cut off by her raising my hood revealing my bruised and cut face. She then was quiet and stared at me with tears in her eyes. There was a short period of silence between us until her expression chanced from a sad one to an extremely angry one. She then began muttering to herself about something but I could not hear.

The jocks then walk into the classroom and notice me standing with Shiro.
"Oh well isn't it the little emo we beat up yesterday, I thought you would have gotten the idea to stay away from Shiro" stated Harry. "Yeah Shiro should not have to deal with people like you!" Shouted Sam
"I bet she's just too nice to tell you to fuck off" added James
"So your the ones who did this!?" Replied Shiro angrily
"Yeah, we did a good job right?" Answered Harry
"A good job?! A good job!? You fucking assholes ganged up on him for no reason!" Shouted Shiro
"What do you mean he won't leave yo alone right!?" Replied Sam
"No I talk to him he doesn't even want to talk to me so I talk to him a and he listens!" Screamed Shiro obviously getting pissed off. "Why would you talk to a loser like him!? He should just kill himself!" Shouted Harry in disbelief in what Shiro was saying. "You want to know the reason!? I'll show you the reason!" Shiro then grabbed my head forcefully and clashed her lips into mine. The sudden kiss surprised me and Shiro used that small chance to slip her tounge in my mouth. Everyone in the room stared in disbelief and anger. After a few seconds that felt like hours she separated from me panting heavily. She waited a few seconds and got ready to talk. "I am in love with Kuro!" She screamed out.

Every one stood shocked that she suddenly screamed out. As everyone started to come back to their senses I began to process what just happened. The jocks looked extremely pissed of. "Why you little punk!" Screamed Harry as he lifted me by my collar. I just let him pick me up. "I'm going to kill you!" He shouted in my face. With those words memories of the past flooded my head. Everything from my parents murder to me killing the killer. The same feeling from before filled my body.

Harry's POV

This little punk! Why does he deserve Shiro's love!? He's just a suicidal! As I hold him up I see something change in his eyes. His head the becomes limp and he stares at the floor. "What the fucks wrong with you!? Answer me!" I scream at him but no reaction. I began to shake him viciously but still no response. I then notice that Shiro is crying. I kinda feel bad but this prick has to go! I move my hand to choke him but he grabs my hand stoping me. "Oh fight back now?! Bring it on!"

3rd person POV

Harry goes to grab Kuro again but is met by a foot in his gut by Kuro. He fell to his knees due to the shock. Everyone was shocked since they did not evens see Kuro's leg move. Harry then begins to get back up and into a fighting pose which is messy. Kuro gets in one that looks similar to one of a professional boxer. Harry then charges at Kuro swinging rapidly at him but everyone of them is deflected by Kuro without much effort. Harry then began to become exhausted and began to slow down. Kuro used this as a chance and kept giving Harry hooks to the face. Harry could not keep up with Kuro and began to bleed from his face. Kuro then finished him off with an uppercut sending him into some desks knocking him out. Kuro just stood there while the other jocks began to panic and run out the room. "K-Kuro are you okay?" Shiro asked him. "Yeah, I better go home before the teacher comes" replies Kuro as he began to walk our the class room.
"I'm coming with you!" Shouted Shiro from behind him. He just looked at her and knew there was no way to stop her so they walked out of school together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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