15 | Control Yourself

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In a second, Rebekah's eyes turn black again and she hits Elijah's chin so hard that his neck nearly snaps. He falls to the ground as Hayley moves forward. "Hayley, stop!" Lexi yells as Rebekah shoves her hand into the hybrid's chest.

"Get off!" Lexi sends her hands forward. Rebekah stumbles back as Lexi literally throws Hayley out of the way.

Lexi's eyes follow Hayley's body, wanting to make sure the woman is alright. Hayley glances up and her eyes grow wide. "Lexi—"

Before she can do anything, Rebekah grabs Lexi and slams her into a nearby wall. Lexi groans only to have Rebekah squeeze her throat, cutting off her air supply. "Rebekah..." she wheezes out as Rebekah bites into her own wrist. "Nmmm—" Lexi screams against her sister as the older blonde makes her drink vampire blood.

"You think you can escape us?" Rebekah sneers menacingly. "You can't."

"Rebekah!" A voice booms. Rebekah, as fast as lighting, turns Lexi around so that she can snap the wolf's neck in a second.

Klaus freezes mid-step. He never thought he would see Rebekah literally trying to kill their sister. Cami also freezes behind him but manages to snap out of it and sneak over to Hayley.

Klaus speeds towards them but Rebekah is faster. "I wouldn't do that," she says squeezing Lexi's body so that the younger girl screams out in pain.

The sound makes Klaus' heart sink. He knows Lexi would never hurt Rebekah, so there is nothing she can do. He also knows that he's changed: He won't hurt either of his sisters...

Too badly.

"Let her go, Rebekah." Klaus reasons, sensing wolves behind him. A growl erupts from behind him, and Klaus puts an arm out to stop Derek from killing Rebekah.

"I don't think so," Rebekah smirks, laughing slightly. It is then that Klaus notices the small trail of blood that stains Lexi's chin.

He takes a chance and speeds over to the pair, ripping Rebekah off of Lexi in one motion. Rebekah roars in anger as Lexi stumbles forward, coughing violently. She sees Hayley run off with a briefcase that has the cure to Freya's poison, but she can't seem to stop coughing on the ground. She can barely breathe.

Lexi sees two shadows run over to her before hands help her up. She falls out of Derek's hold to cough more, this time blood splatters on the ground.

She distantly hears Rebekah screaming something about Cami, but her eyes can't focus. She can't think straight, words fly out of her mind instantly.

"Lexi? Lexi, you gotta stand." She hears Cora tell her.

Somehow, Lexi finds the strength to slow her coughing and glance up at the two Hales. Her eyes seem brighter than usual as she reaches up with a shaky hand. Derek helps her up, letting her lean on him. He wipes away the blood stain on her chin before trying to pull her out of the room with Cora.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you!" Rebekah's voice makes it into her mind. Lexi's eyes all of a sudden focus on how her brothers are holding Rebekah down. "You're the worst of us all, Alexis!"

Derek's embrace tightens slightly as Lexi starts to tremble. It's not just one part of her that shakes; rather, it's her whole body.

"Nik and Elijah may poison everyone that comes into our lives," Rebekah grins wickedly, looking in her direction and she pushes Elijah off. "But you're worse! Not only do you get all of us, your family, killed because you are careless, but you kill everyone who dares come close to you."

"Don't listen!" Klaus growls, securing Rebekah's arm and holding her down onto the table. Lexi seems to shake even more violently, her eyes unfocused.

"We may kill and maim and murder everyone, but you, you kill them a different way. You lure them in," Lexi keeps staring straight ahead, her trembling becoming even worse. "You love them, cherish them. And then, when they feel safe, you—"

"Hold her!" Freya's voice booms as the blonde stomps over to the struggling Rebekah. Lexi slowly detaches herself from Derek, who holds onto her arm until she shrugs him off with a glare. She moves forward, watching in silence as Freya uses a knife to cut off the skull brand on Rebekah's wrist.

Rebekah screams but Lexi doesn't flinch. She takes another step forward, tilting her head curiously. Rebekah's scream slowly turns to nothing as she stills on the table, her head rolling to the side.

After a full minute of suspense, she groans and sits up, her eyes back to normal. Lexi's shoulders relax as everyone else calms down.

"Well," Rebekah says sarcastically, "That was annoying."

Poor Lexi. It's not gonna get better any time soon, babe. Sorry. Hope you enjoyed!

Hopelessly Devoted | Hale- TO/TW [6]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu