Chapter Eleven

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Team Iron Man vs. Giant-Man, Team Captain America's last stand, and yes, Rhodey is still in trouble.

Enjoy chapter eleven!


"Give me back my Rhodey!" Tony shouted, diving at Scott.

Sam kicked him in the chest, sending Tony off course, and Scott tossed Rhodey into the air. "I got him!" Peter swung by, grabbing Rhodey with a web. It took him crashing into a bus and swinging, but Rhodey went back on track, flying back towards Scott.

Scott kicked a large bus in the direction of a black speck on the ground. T'Challa braced himself, but a blast of cold air hit him. Looking up, he watched Saleen soar past, creating a wall several inches thick. The bus crashed into it, shattering the ice all over the asphalt, but the bus stopped in its tracks. T'Challa nodded to her in thanks, then spotted Jessie running past. He wouldn't have gone after her had he not seen Steve and Bucky sprint after her, followed by the four ground fighters.

The Doctor flew towards Sam, narrowing his eyes, then narrowly phased through the plane wing suddenly in his way. He flew backwards, blinking, watching Tony dodge as well. "OK, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose?" Tony asked. "Doctor? Anyone? I'm open to suggestions!"


Sam narrowed his eyes, seeing Tony flying back around Scott. He tucked his arms in, diving for him, and released Redwing from his back. Tony flailed about in the air, his helmet cracked. Sam grinned and extended his wings, flying back towards the runners.

Scott turned to T'Challa as the man jumped to high ground to try and get to the others. "You wanna get to them, you gotta go through me," he declared, doing a sweeping kick, destroying the crates T'Challa stood on, sending the king to the ground.

He reached for the king, but he was taken aback by explosions around his head. Rhodey barreled in, Peter swinging in on his back. As Rhodey kept firing, Peter attached a web to Scott's arm, starting to wrap it around his arm, Scott trying to shake him off.


Wanda spared a glance behind her as they ran, and she pointed. "Incoming!"

Clint looked over his shoulder to see T'Challa and Saleen running towards them at full speed, Saleen raising her hand, her fingers icing over. He closed his eyes, then spun around, placing himself directly in front of Saleen's shot, which had been aimed right at Jessie. Saleen immediately whipped her hand to the side, ice spraying everywhere. Clint loaded his bow quickly, firing at T'Challa, seeing him as the bigger threat. Jessie could make it through ice. She could not make it through vibranium.

As a father, Clint was not about to let this man get to the Time Lady and possibly harm her enough to make her lose her baby.

It appeared Martha had the same idea, as she turned, a knife sliding into her hand. She threw it overhand, and Saleen cried out when it buried into her palm. Martha ran at the ginger, Saleen grinding her teeth before launching forward. Clint didn't stop to see where the women went, because he was more concerned with the two exploding arrows T'Challa caught that did not harm him at all. Clint watched him warily as he extended his claws, then nodded. "We haven't met yet," he said, spinning his bow, collapsing it into a staff. "I'm Clint."

"I don't care," T'Challa sneered, running forward and swiping at Clint, the archer blocking and attacking back.


Scott punched Rhodey out of the air, then picked up a gangway and swung towards him. The Doctor dove down, conjuring fireballs as fast as he threw them. In no time at all, he had completely destroyed the gangway Scott was trying to use.

Tearing Relationships Apart (Book Eleven of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now