
Steve looked around when Peter swung towards him, then threw his shield and snapped his web line. Peter landed on one of the luggage carts. "That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all," he declared.

"Look, kid, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand," Steve told him, catching his shield when it came back.

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow." Peter suddenly webbed his shield, followed by his ankle. Steve fell to the sound, Peter yanking him towards him. When he was close enough, Peter kicked him backwards. Steve tumbled away, his shield skidding further. "He also said to go for your legs!"

Steve jumped to his feet, running for his shield, when Peter webbed his hands. Steve ground his teeth when Peter tried to pull him back, then jumped and did a somersault in midair, tossing Peter through the air.


Sam had lost Rhodey for the moment, but that meant he had to deal with Tony . . . and the still stray lightning bolts that occasionally flew past. "Clint!" he called. "Can you get him off me?"

Clint drew back his bowstring, aiming for Tony. "Buckled in?"

"Yeah," Scott answered, miniaturized and on the arrowhead. "No, I'm good. I'm good, Arrow Guy. Let's go, let's go!"

Clint smirked to himself, firing. The arrowhead split in midair, and Tony spun around, shooting the multiple shards. He didn't even see Scott dive onto his hand and run into his suit.


Steve grabbed one of Peter's webs, pulling him towards him, using his shield to knock him down. Peter recovered quite quickly, though, and used his webs to ascend to the top of a gangway. "Stark tell you anything else?" he asked.

"That you're wrong," Peter answered. "You think you're right. That makes you dangerous."

Peter swung down, but Steve was ready this time. He leapt into the air and kicked Peter backwards, sending the teenager into one of the gangway legs. "Guess he had a point," he quipped, throwing his shield and taking out the gangway leg. He was surprised, however, when Peter managed to hold the gangway up when it collapsed on him. He placed his shield on his arm and considered him, impressed. "You got heart, kid. Where're you from?"

"Queens," Peter grunted.

Steve barely refrained from laughing out loud. How about that? "Brooklyn," he grinned, pointing to himself before running off.


Tony fired in Clint's direction, the archer firing arrows at him constantly, when his weapons started sputtering. "FRIDAY?" he asked in confusion.

"We have some weapon systems offline," his AI answered.

"They what?" Tony asked in disbelief, looking at his repulsors in shock.


Scott grinned to himself when he heard the announcement. "Oh, you're gonna have to take this into the shop!" he called to the billionaire as he pulled more wires, disabling more of his systems.

"Who's speaking?" Tony asked angrily.

"It's your conscience," he answered cheekily. "We don't talk a lot these days!"

"FRIDAY?" Tony asked.

"Deploying firing suppression system."

Scott paused in his work, then his eyes widened when he saw the cloud of gas approaching him. "Uh oh. Oh, boy!" He ran through the workings, constantly pursued by the gas. "Whoa!" he yelped when he was ejected from the suit, spinning through the air.

Tearing Relationships Apart (Book Eleven of The Bad Wolf Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now