Chapter Fifty Seven: A Good Wife

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After Lyanna and Willas decided to become engaged, the two of them walked straight to the city gates, almost as if nothing had happened, except the two were now holding hands, and Lyanna was still wearing a stupid grin. When the two got to the gates, they were a lot later than they intended to be, to the extent that the wagon his brother and sister were riding in was already in the city. Just as they got over to the gates, Margaery and Loras were already coming out of the wagon, and upon seeing her brother, Margaery squealed slightly and began to run over.

"Willas! Big brother!" She called, running over and hugging him.

"Margaery! Little sister!" he laughed back to her, before turning to his brother. "Loras, looking dashing as ever!"

"Willas," the Knight of Flowers chuckled, joining in on the hug.

That was when Lyanna became noticed. Margaery turned to her, and, much to Lyanna's surprise, pulled her into a tight hug. It was far too friendly to say they'd just met, but Lyanna didn't mind; it was nice to meet someone so caring.

"You must be Lyanna," she said as she pulled away. "We shared a husband, that makes us practically sisters,"

"Margaery Tyrell, how nice to meet my replacement," she joked, laughing. "And Ser Loras, we've met before at the Tourney for my father, how nice to see you out of your jousting armour,"

"It's good to see you, Lady Stark, after everything that's happening in the capital," Loras smiled.

"A war, two Royal weddings and the death of a King, the kingdoms have never been so interesting," Lyanna joked. "You were luckier than I, Margaery,"

Willas gestured for them to begin to walk back to the city, and by doing that, he took Lyanna's hand. She was reminded of the question she had asked him earlier and almost blushed. She wanted that so badly. Hopefully it could happen, hopefully his family would approve. Then she would really be a sister to Margaery.

Not long after they got back to the keep did Lyanna hear a knock on the door of her chambers. She sighed, closing the book she'd just opened and got up to open the door, expecting Willas asking her to the library, or the gardens, or the docks. Instead, it was Margaery, dressed finely in a blue, skin-flaunting dress, putting Lyanna's dark green attire to shame, not that Margaery minded.

Margaery instantly flashed her a smile and took hold of her arm, pulling her out of the room. It reminded of her of Arya when she was younger, pulling her all over Winterfell to show Lyanna things she'd discovered whilst exploring. Sansa would always roll her eyes when they did this.

"Lady Lyanna, please join us for lunch in the gardens, it would mean so much to my grandmother," Margaery asked, threading her arm through Lyanna's, giving her little opportunity to say no.

"I'd love to, I enjoy your grandmother's company," Lyanna smiled.

At this Margaery laughed and flashed another dazzling smile. She was truly beautiful. It was no wonder that Joffrey dissolved his marriage vows with Lyanna to be with her.

"I've noticed that you enjoy my brother's company too," Margaery noted. Lyanna felt herself flush red as Margaery giggled. "He looks at the way he looks at his exotic plants or the bumblebees he loves to watch,"

"Honeybees, those are his favourites," Lyanna said before she could stop herself.

"Once you know a mans favourite bee you have his heart," Margaery joked. "Do you think he'll ask you to be Lady Tyrell?"

Lyanna bit her lip as she considered telling Margaery that herself and Willas had already decided to marry. Surely it was for Willas to tell his own family, especially since he'd basically told her that he'd give up High Garden and his title of Lord to be with her in Winterfell. The fact that Willas wanted to marry her and go north meant the world to her, but keeping it to herself was eating away at her. She wanted to tell everyone right away, but she knew Willas would want to tell his family himself.

A Dragon In Wolf's Clothing ~A Game of Thrones fan fiction~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora