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my browser again wtf is wron with my comp at times

theyget in limos they have fun they go to camp hey fix up they house thier staying in ater winning a match to stay in it then they began to fix dinner then thye stop shove em out and fix the wall they merge their signs ont hegate! I smiled at it hier hands on my waist us all smiling at our new home for a while i eyed em they grinned "so i got hogwarts summer then camp whoo imma be busseeeh" i thought giggling they eye me i smiled "invite them over now" i said smilig they laughe out and ran off they kncoked they anwsered "hey u guys um for it we fished hte gate the garden it all baby sis wants it all doen before guests come oi oi" eric said "sure" they hcrousedd smiling at us they all took notie they left lena them ran in and umped on the little island they bued i hit it open smiling htye walked in thie jaws droped 'DAMN' they chroused they laughed out hands out they howled out 'damn u guys did a damn good job' they chroused "u guys did to" tanya said walking out lokoing amazing coem on in" they hcroused they ran in she giggled and walked in it hsut off when they got at our gate the dads annoyed adn the moms sighe out llike damn it!! "i wanna see my ddamn kid" ares muttered pissed off at this they wlaked in thier jas droped oen fo em fianted 'GIRLS INTHE KITCHEN' i caled "kitchen we got- "baby sis prefers cokoing at times big bro said the girls waked in "do u guys cook" i asked "yes" they hcoused "sit down haha were having uor cooking night" i murmured "do u all- "yes" lena saidd smiling chopig things u 'well then soot over" ills girl siad i laughed out they joined in i ran off nad got the boombox i walke din "dont midn us" is ia and walked down i set it up hoking it in it came up they Ohed i grined near em "enjoy" i murmured nad walked out putign it in I put on mindless beahvior heloo they Howled out nad turned it up they danced aorund we were having ufn giggling nad coking they turned annoyed they turned itupshoting things out we roled our eyes and we kept going i claped aswaging aroun with emilia ad claed "hey dadd" they hcorused "what ae u kids u to the gods seem angry" he said "haha must be angry about us skiing to o things" rylan siad 'SKIPING' he yeeld out "yes very mcuh so bye dad" ei siad nad hng up "whats- "they were skiping nd uh they had a video game on somehow i heard thems hoting out things and hello by that mindless guys was on" they sang it 'GIRLS' i yeled out they turned they turned softly will looked 'OH SHIT THIS UR PART GO GO GO' emilia siad i fliped on and smirked it began i stoped I began kiling it intensely they hit them they al watched me i fliped back and threw myself back i poepd and locked i snaped nad spn aroudn on my tipy toes semitign fire i kept going and was geting it their jaws oepn i shook violently and droped back they Ohed 'HEL NAW wills girl siad i went around gigling they howled out cheering 'DAMN U GOT IT GIRL' bros girl said in the doorway we laughed bros eyes wide with la my brothers I laughed uot they joined in on this cooking thing it ended 'DAMN U GOT MVOES" wil girl siad poping na dloking yet shkaing me i laugheed out "haha we di that back t home and she kiled ittt emilia siad we were laughng about it and enjoying it mrs right came on 'WHOO' bros girl siad they al turned mrs right blasted we got it i snaped wils girl whooped geting on we all looked she began popand nlcoking she di the oonwalk aruond geting it 'WHOO GET IT' i yeled out kisha got on and got it as the coneilers walked up thier jaws gaped open at the huge gate they buzzed we dint care "busy" rai-kun roare uot they jumped away zeus pissed off it struck they jumppd "plz open up ur parents are worried' they chrouse "so what' we rored together "plz be at karoke ight to ereassure them" hes aid tanay got on and began kiling it she swung her hiar around i was howling otu emilaifliped over they did it then kisha was doig the wormm behidn em i was laughgi at her they turned they aw her doing the worm htye kciked her se di liek a fish i laughed out at this waving my hands i smirked big si began kilig it them all turned wathig us she droped back we Ohed as she went around she let her knees give out she soved it flipign she landed on her feet poping her ass out we howled out liek u go gil! "YEAH U GO BIG SIS' i roared out they laughed out she laughed ontinuing wiht emilai and tanya on dining tables they claped i got on pimping ound in circles saiying yeah boy! them just wathic gme they laughed out at me they turned they saw me pimp by syaing yeah boy my sisters col! they laughed out my girl on the tohers hwo dint get a turn began kiling it a guy knoked they buzzed him in i dance oer roling it back i anwsered gigling noding "hey u here for my brothers" i askd giggling geting it he stared at me "helo" i siad gigling he blushed "um yeah" he murmured i let him in i was geting it i anced off swag in my stpe they turned as i walked it they hwoeld out liek get it i grabed the girl in adn smiled she pimpe it with me as i told her to we wlaked in him inshock she got on doing it i smriked 'I GOT THIS PART' i claed out anad jumped on i smirked i ebgan kiling it jumpe dup blwoing out black chla k i tore through it geting it i went around and continued i was just going in on this shit thier jaws droped 'WHOO' tanya yeled out Ileane dnad fliped off wgaing around they highfived me "damn" will siad about that i pimped up i did it "ur a lesbo" "i can tel ru dads ares' i claed out as i continued he glared they aughed uot i cotninued i noded i poped my colar aprhodites kids walked up loking nice tanya anwsered she elt em in drgaing the girls in mes wgabging around my ass them laughig at me s i shook it my hands on my kenes they stared tanay laughed out at this they turne thier jasw droped at me shaking my ass in emilias face nad kishasthem laughing at this "OI UR STUID STOP SHAKING UR ASS IN THIER FACE ROXY' rai-kun siad laughig out i laughed we had fun soon they set it up "dinners ready" i siad after shutng it off i eyed em "adn then we got some tuid ass karoke to make srue were okay bitchs i shoudla bought my glock i murmured 'WTF U CANT THREATEN PL' "i can tel ur a godie goodie for a ares kid" i murmured nad wlake off they laughed so hard at that theyw ent up i sat down at the head theyal did i cheesed at em in a dadys thrown kidna seat they whined i hit them they laughed out we had fun eting nad tlaking "so wht was that' wil sked eyeing me "wha" i siad drinking wine i stole from some guy they eyed it "its wine okay i stole some achol from some stores nad soem guys"i murmured 'U CANT STEAL' eric said "shut up eri-sama anyway wat was wat" i said smiling drinking it "the dancing" they chroused our cheeks al flushed rd d"w-what dancing"a prdites kid asked she had joined in every girl joine in 'ONT PAY STUID WE AL SAW U DANING' bro siad grinning hugely i looked "we werent dancing" i said drinking it "plain and smple leave it alone" i siad they got ilent hearing hte danger in my voice i set it down 'so whos ready" i murmured they nodded i walked off to mine it shoked em we had uor own sections i got a show and then i got lal sexied up i put on a eace necklace I walked out giggling i ziped up my bots pting on one of the gloves tanya made me i walked down they turne whisepring still ic hibi looked wdling up tanya looked at me "why did u- i eyed the cheetah she got it "oh u made a deal aginst us" her brother asked "i only ewanted a heetah and a panther" i murmured liek uc ant blame me "plus if u ant i cant get back at that hoe that teases u"i murmured they eyed me "were listening" her other brother said tanya smirked "well then she sleeps with aybody and everybodyr ight' i murmured "yes" they hcroused "did she tease u- "yes' tnaya whispered "okay then imma get that hoe at karoke night plain adn simple" i siad "ROCK ON' iscreame out and waled out theylaughed out theyr an uot leading me the others had went ahead we walked ddown the occneiler ran up and lead me to my setion is hvoed him down he fel with a thud i snickered and signed up i chibi yanked my siblings up they eyed me i pointed to my section they laughed out noding theys tod up i sat donw thye sat beside me emilia giggling as ppl went the gods sat down 'MOO' i roared out she ran off crying they al turned i was leanedback filing my nials liek  dint do it aprhodite laughing seing me do it ares smirking at this 'BAAA' i yeled out with emilia she ran off 'OINK OINK' i yeled out opoisden eyed me my brothers hit me i looked over gigling like heeeey "damn im caught' i mumurred to eric he laughe dout posiden shok his head chuckling athena sat down "umm it is poisdens only daughters- 'I GOT AFUCKING NAME U PRIK' i roared out he stoped "umm Evangaline" he said eyeing me i chibi looked "haha wha" i siad pl laughed out athen laughed to "thats my hahahhahah yeah ia hurt u if u stil onstage' i sid stnding up dispaering 'OKAY OKAY OKAY SOME OF U KNWO THAT BTICH OVER THERE IN THAT SECTION' i siad she loked up "me" she asked in a dangerous tone "naw u" i snpaed poisen smiled at that theyal did "wels the she been teasing my uhh sister am i ccrorect tanya stand up u to aphroditessss" is iad they did she smirked "yeah" she said "wel this is to u" i siad i smirked "o yo" i siad i began raping stuid hoe my musi playing she fumed at the lab rat ic otninued doing it erics eyes got idde at this raiden esat down i continued whats gonig on tur- "she wanted us to sit with her" eric said he sat down i continued ares loooked at hades liek what the! ppl looked i di the stuid hoe her jaw droped "hahahhahah i thinkn i liek this" aprhodites son siad they laughed out "U A STUID HOEE' i di it the annouers jaw droped "haha im enjoying this' zeus said smirking amused i continued they eyed eus 'sotp her' hades roared out " o thanks poisden u wans top ru daughter' he siad "no" he sid chuklin gat this i cotninued doing it i noded i shook my head i di it i pointed and did it her fuming in rage! i smirked "U A STUID HOE' i siad pointingi jumped down i did it siting besie her i was aing her i slaped her head over she shok in rage i di it i otninued lena howling uot I smirke and octninued hades fuming at this I sang it and pointed in her facei amde a sign i put it up sayig sshe a stupid hoe I taged it on it siad sutpid whore of he centrey i di it "she is da femael weezy" is iad smirking i wadled back bird up smirking "hahhahaha i love her" aprhdoite siad thye snickered i walked down siting down "hey rai-sama" is d w'tf was that' HE yeled "stuffs hey wheres btman i havent seen him al day" i sid they shrugged i wadled of i saw him at the ifs 'BATMAN' i chirpe out he turne his eyes widned he was hanging aruond some guys i hibi loked "who be dey" i siad pointing "leave roxy" he esiad "BUT I WANTED U TO SOME WATCH ME SING' tanya siad hugign onto me "i cant m busy" he grolwed out harshly i looked "but u sid u wanted to hear the song" i whispeed 'sorry leave' he roared uot e flew back eric saw he shok his head he waved to eric waing him up he glaredd and ran up to us helping us up 'why di batman ditch us' i murmured "becuz batman asshole" tanay murmured siting down i sat there sad hades girl stormed up to me "im not in the mood' i mumured it hsocked her hshe felt srota bad i looked up "why do siblings ditch each other when thye been with u for a while now" i murmured she looke hsocke "who knows uknow i had the same problem" she siad siting down it shoked everbody "hmph how so" i whispered "well my siblings are al aroudn here old ones the new ones love having me around sooner or later ur gona dith her to" she snaped eyeing em they looked hurt 'no we w- they did anyway I walked down alone my hadns in my pcokets taya laughed uot i looked aruon batman whooping and smirking as he hit a girls ass  shook my head waht hapened to my siblings bro ran up smiling at me i shok y hea going bak up i went to it i walked in and sat down in my room lfielenss came back i walked down theyt ued they saw it they gasped out i walked into the kitchen making myself eggs "so umm wan hang with us" batman asked "whats the point u only care now cuz im empty" i siad his eyes got wide "ur not empty" raiden roared out angry "yeah i am" i whispered "ahdes daughter was right u all ditched me" i whispered "that promis was a laod of bul shit right" i murmured they lookeds o hurt at tat i walked out i walked out thier lifes right then i ginored em when they trired i sat ont he beach at ease i was visable "would u ek to join class' she asked i oepend my eyes it was sad she was stunnedd "no thanks" i siad shutign em again she looked "get up" a girl snaped at me i flipe ht ebrid "u see dat its caled a midle finger' i siadi they slauguhed silently behind her i stod up walking off into the trees i sat there i walked out and saw eric ditching hanging at this wterfal he turned he was stuned i chibi looked nd walked off it shocked them all "she doesnt loko so lifeful like she di before eric whats going on u seem worried hwen u came[" he said its not eric to ditch he was the responseable smart one i walked down on my sercet lake i showed emilai to see her there i was hearbtroken she turned she waved me over i glared " siad this would ugh whatever emilia i dont even know u" i murmured she saw it deepen her eyes widned i left i walked to a lae i knew would be free it was i got in i chibi looked someing bit me i jumped out i looked i saw soemig unsleep under it it had red eyes i freaked out! i jumped away in shock shaking in shock purely terrfied this is an ilusion fight it my dmeon siad i broke free i saw rylans brother cused it i lunged yrlan was ifnront 'DO U FUCKING KNOW WHAT HE DID RYLAN' i yeled out "what di u do" he esiad he was laughing 'U MUTHA FUCK U GUYS IM MOVING OUT' i siad rylans jaw droped i walked off pised off i puched a tree it flew offf i hung with my siblings  i walked to lass murmuring to my brothers baout not wanitng to go "man u guys are stuck up about class" i said they eyed me "we r not stuck up line" he siad "u r" i muttered loking way liek id int say it they snickered hitn gme i laughed out and jumped on his back whooping thye laughed out i roped 'so what hapened' hades daughter asked me "u were right" i sid she nodded pating me i shrugged i walked up rylan ran up gathering the other at the house "what- "shesmvoing out cu of my rbothers he put her in a genjutsu of her fears and well shes moving out" he siad thier jaws oped 'SHE CANT WE NEED HER UNDR OUR EYES' raiden siad "seh says if u guys dont want me fine but u wil never be anything liek my brrothers ur a thier kids u broke the promise now im broke again" tanya siad walking in cuz we ahd ran into her I looked it was bow and arrows i snickered and took one i walked off leaving class it shocked everyone "im finshed biatch" i siad to a conceler he fumed and le me bakc i ynekd out 'DONT TOUCH ME' i roared out the seas got to angry he juped away bwoing n respect i kcked him he colasped i laughed out jumpin gover him like a kid kawaii kidd i walked up smiling i began doing advnced ten it got advncer i was dong my sea life class when i saw rlan on the clifs eyes wide at me in class i smiled in awe of them "would u liek to try" bro asked i shok my ehad blsuhig he chukled and moved it i hibi looked a girl went to splash me as bro paye her I looked it hit her she was soaking wet the class stifled laughs she umed i snickered "sorys" i sang out she was in awe she yanked me forward i hibi ried out "I DINT DO IT MAN IM wait tis iaint schol so theres no picneaple okay fuck u lady lemme go' i siad they laughed out at that rylan eyed me i looked she set me in front "now try" she said i chibi looked "try wat" i siadshe told me the lesson i smirked and it lfited i conetated and sighed out i moved it in sych wit the waves also it was amazing it flew up and is wirled it aroudn aits prinkled us i cheesed near big bro he whope out i laughe out and it psuehd me i cheesed at her she smiled ndoing it was a fun class i walked out the water hanigng laughing about it though "haha it was al liek WHA PUSH oh shit shes wet" bro siad i laughed out with them about it us hanging on the beach tanya saw me siting there smriking he hit me i fel wiht athud 'OW MAN U HIT LIKE A HCIK' i roare uot lean ran up "kami and ava' eni panted out i shto up shoting through if liped nad landed 'WHATS OGING ON HERE WILL' i yeled out "THEE CHIK BEEN BAD- 'actualy no it was those chiks" i murmured pointng to em smirking at the trouble he looked down "oh" he siad i hit him big bro sized dme up i fumed nd shoved him back "i cant wit to mvoe uto" i grolwed ot hi eyes widened i walked off with lena them is at down i walked out "can i get my own cabin thingy" i siad he nodded i leftoff i cleaned it to how i wanted it i made classes to bro them helped me out i ran off waing bye to frineds i amde i ran up and got the dirt out and flowed it around i put it on the gate smiling huely i painted it sea colors hmming out i wadled off gigling i made the lake all clean adnd shit so it was a lake side ool i made a beautiufl bride humming i gigled and fixed it up making it al mansion like my cheetah eyed me nad helped out i made a masterbedroom i wadled out and wadled up buzing they grined hugely at me rocking on my heels "BABY SIS U COME BACK TO STAY WIT US AGAIN't naya asked "no i came to get my stuff i got my own" i siad 'so ur staign alone" raiden asked i nodded "why do u care now heh oh ght u dont" i siad they lookedi walked in to see them al around they looked at me i roled mye yes at the ares kids smriking i walked usptairs and ried it al away humming it was mepty i wadld down 'later' i siad with a salute "so where she going" wil asked curious "shes got her own shes umm moving out cuz we broke a promise" raiden siad "wow a pr- "rromise to not do what we di but we di it anyway" they hcrorused mara them showed udp they ran up hugign me i squelae out hugign em back my team whoop whoop i moved em into rooms i set it up gigling i walked down and we set it al up we set up a kitchen to 'so wh not be ina band with us orrr' mara said myejaw droped i huged he she laughed out we got ready i walked own theyd lenver let me wear this out i wlked down with lena them snickering we sat down in ours tanya was in awe of me myc loak off my air strawberry blonde me gigling emilia sang cal me maybe her mom smiled tnya walke out isngnig it all my iters up there i looked leaned back tlakig to them them eyeing me in shock i wasnt interested eric eyed me he was shocked they sang it they lookd thye got they were tyring to make up iwth me i wtched amused cuz bro told me i leaed back i snickered at lenas douchey coments my lip twithing eyes shifty ihades girl seeing me interating i tried nt to laugh at her akign funy faces near me me loking down i died lauhgig sthey hit me liek shut up this is rude i pointe dblaming it on her movng her head brids up they snikered i ws tryign so hard not to laugh they looked hurt i was laughig at her i looked away eyes hsifty i noded to it now they hit me whispering is tod up slly na wadled out sneakily they were shocked i left i laughed out us al at the beach ir an in giglging i st down eric pised of them al ised off i walked out whisper yeling at lena "no hel no i am notntoo ding that dare lena fuck u" i whisper yled at her her gigling like do it! i shok my head eric them storme out tanya them beside em silent 'WTF WAS THAT ROXY' eric sia i turned "ha heeeeey umm u saw me leave dint u" i said liek yikes 'YES U HURT TANYA THEM THY WRE SINGING TO PPLZ U' rylan siad i raised my yebrow "they wre" i asked 'DINT US EE EM LOOKING AT U' ony said "uhh no" i siad after a few seconds went by 'OOOO U TWERP' raiden roared uot i ws hrut i murmured a sorry "im sory they were mesing wiht em through the whhole song' i iad theylooked lena them got pitch silent they realize they wee they sw me point near her and laugh out tey replayed it eric realize it i chibi looked away 'shows how much u are' bo snaped at em we sat down son we head cars pl croded down i was stunned oen shoved me out my seat i droped chibi looking up he smirked 'BO DONT THATS OUR SISTER' big bro siad he stoped eyeing me he sw it i chibi glared pucnhig im everybodys eyes got wide eric smirked at that smugly I spit on him he shot up sizing me up is ied im back 'WHAT U GONA DO DO SOMETHING DO SOMETHINGGGGG' he siad 'IMA STICK MY BOOT HEEL UP UR- dad roared out a otp i stoped like him us both turning "haha so dad how can u give beirth to a no good cok sucking player punk ass- i went on with my sialors mouth tanays jaw droped he shoved me i shoved him back 'WHAT U GON DO HUH U SLUT' i grolwed out at his girl she lunged i di to ei them held me back "NO LEME AT THEM TWO THOSE FUCKERS' i roared out they smirked him snuggled into his cest i broek free and lunged ares laughed out ienoying it i kciked her in the hed she dorped uncocnious  laughed out "ha smirk about that' i iad an eyed him smilinig i lunged he di to we fought intesnly h flew rashign ito soemting backstage i alughe out oddging his water attack i lfiped bakc making it my own si urfed of and went backstage u heard boms bangs nad then a thud he wlake out smirking fists up they cheered i yanked him bak throwing him i fliped own walking fof him al tangled up in guitar strings hung upsdie down eric them ran back thier jaws droped 'ROXY' aiden yeled out i laughed out and sat down tanya them cracked up "hahahha talk abouta guitar freak" tanay whispered I laughed out at that jooke her eeyes lit up i was cracking up at that lena roled her eyes "MIND FREAK' i screamedd out abouta girl siging 'SINGING COW" emilia screamed out she ran off crying i was loking down liek emilia they hit us both "WE DINT DO IT' emilia sid i shok my head "i dint emiia diint who did ddat" we si the ned together they hit us we fel with thuds he got untagnled storming out in a rage "hahhaha ur pmsing arent u" i siad he stormed uot shrieking t romanian "hahhahahahha hes pmsing wht do we do" i sid ppl laughd out eric lokoed own lip tiwthing liek riadens he stormed in grabing me i poofed na dcaem form the air i threw her dwn 'U GOAN TRY MEEEE I TRY BE NICE I TRY TO TIE U UP ND U OCME SAY SORRY BUT NOO U ATTACK AGAIN UR ASS ONLY GONA GET FUKING BEAT' i scremed out pucnhing him he fel wihta thud "oops" i whispeed covering my muth ares took oy in this posiden sighed out 'daughter" poisden sia "im in trouble right dad' I sked "yes u r" poisdden said eus chuckling "no poisden it is finei take oy and amusement in this' zeus sid as i kcike dhim "haha hes not ded dad thats the main joyful thing" i whispered "if shes dead haha boo hoo" i murmured  aprodite umed "shes a hwore i mean yeah shes  whore" si d adling away zeus laughed out at that wiht the others psiden smiled at that amused i sat down he stod up 'UR ONLY GONA BE AN ENTERTIANTMENT BOX' he roared  me i chibi looked hurt "im not an entertantment box" i whispered so sad "yeah u r look" she said i di everybdoy had amused looks hades daughter ised off artemis fuming at this i too up and left korke night eric them ran out after me thye yanekd htem done thye shoved em away 'JUST CUZ U POPED UP DONT MEAN U CN RULE MY DAMN LIFE US LUT' tanya snpaed in he face shoving her away he caught her she ran out after me bro them silent "SOME RBOTHERS U R' rylan oared out in thee faces 'she trifled with- 'SHE TRIFLED WITH NO ONE HE CAUSED IT HE SAT DOWN AAINA DN HE SHOVED HER' eric snaped at them 'so fuck u niggers" kisha snape nad they ran out after me i was crying iat the beach i walked out on the cliffs lifleenss in me tey sw me "NO' eric screamed out soon a swoosh hapened and batman had me "whats- "it hapened' eric whispered so scared the girls hking in tears 'so she tried ki- 'NO SHE CANT BE SAD OR HAVE BFS OR SHE WIL TRY SUICIDE SHE WAS UNBOUND IF UR UNBOUND THEN U WILLL GET LIFELESS BECUZ THE PERSON WHO UNOUND U CARRYS UR SOUL AND THEN IF U GET LIFLESS OR FED UP u try suicide its 2% chance that they wil live it "what do u mean" lena said they nodded "if she doesnt lvie she umm becomes a ghost retless into the person who unbound her dies with her htne she goes into light" batman siad i layed there "sooooooo shes a goner if we get her sad" mara siad "yes" they hroused "u got her sad so why dit she try it" kammak siad "she had someone holding her back" "her brothers" lena sid they nodded "we dint wnt her to mvoe out this is the reason why" raiden siad "ohhhhhh kamkam said my rbtoher ss ran up 'WTF HA- SHUT UP BITCHS' lena screamed wailig in on them iin nsults pitn gout wods tht mde their eyes water theyleft me laying limp in thier arms heys et me down on my old bed i woke up the new 3 days over iw alked down i was tuned shse awke" wil claed out they ran down i chibi looked at em lifleness in my eyes why di u save mei di not want ot be saved' i whispered "we cnt let u die" tanya siad in shock 'so what let me" i murmured and left i walked through and they al saw me my brothers were al here bro saw me i kept walking as he waved i roled my eyes and kept wlaking i jogge off to my mansion I finihed it i walked off insde lena bued i hit it it openedd it shut they sat down on my couch  wa not feeling goo the next week over i was stuck in bed! "sooo why isnt ur siste rin class" the class lady asked "we odnt know she hasnt been tlaking to us she hasnt been to karoke night either" bro murmure "wodner why" a girl said theyt urnedd "what di u say" the one who claed me entertaintment siad "I WONDER WHY U PRIKS ABODENEED HER IS AW WHAT SHE TRIED THAT NIGHT I HEARD THIER EXPLINATION U SHOUDLNT GO NEAR HER I KNOW WHERE SHES STAYING BUT U THINK I TEL I KNOW WHY SHE ISNT HERE AL DO BUT U SO HAHA SHE TRUSTS US BUT NOT HER OWN BLOD HAHAHAHA BITCHS' she snaped an turne away its that lean girl" the entratinemtn one siad they ran up she was with eric them tlakig to em he noded "u chick do u- 'FUCK OFF' eric roared out they flew bacck riaden struck they jumped away "keep away form her or were gona have a dman problem" rai-kun sid "so whats- "mansion ome n" she said eyeing em thye got it theyleft "whats- 'shes sick" lena siad "oh" they chroused she buzed i hit it and turned kami in a nrusey suit tkaign are of my soup "hey lele shes upstairs' ava siad in hers tay smiling in aperverted way they looked shocked theyw ent up to see me laying there ale not loking good! they looked eric them sat down i turned mye yes open lfielness n it "hey" rai-sama siad i looked "hi" is iad hoarsely "how ya feleing how ya- "i dont know how i got sick and im feleing pretty oh i dont lieki feel like a peice of shit that as run over liek  dead rodents" i said in ahaorse voie they laughed a bit t that  "u need to ummidk try to get to kako night tonight' lena siad one dayi shok my head not feleing good again i ahd been walking na doing good i layed in bed wand shot up throwing up puig my insides out i sat there i brsuhed dmy teeth geting ready in a losoe dress i walked down loking ple they yeed me sighing out lena ut my hair behind me puting it up in a bun i wlaked out i was on kaidens back lena sighing out knwoing i wasnt well! "look shes here' ahdes girl frined sia she turned her eyes widened at me laying there plae nand not loking good zeus eyed me poisden gasped out in shock of this! thye set me down i layed down kamkam hadned me my pilow i went to sleep it shocked ppl eric them ran up and sat down beside me makign sure i was okay woried batmn walke down he stoepd bakcing up loking a me then raie then lena wht hapened" he aske din a dangerous tone "we dont know" "u dont hitnk its gona kil her itself sine she hasnt do u i mean it was said that it does that" "she di throw up bod obefore we came" elna whispered it socked em dda turned at the word kill and my name poisden elooke at em they grabed me up "what do u knwo fo my daughters illness" he said "we know nobod can do shit if she dont get this antidote or she doesnt mate dads ebens eahcig fo husbands or guys to plan old mate her i the antdiote doesnt work moms on a mission but soon she be back with it sooon as in next mo- he snpaedd he claed mom sits kiling her dear" he siad she got to fast as a wolf with the erics pack i aleyd there the next week hit i wasnt doing good mom walked in and walke to my mansion being led bye ric her apy to seeee them doing okay will themat my mansion setig htings own he ares's chibi looked in adn set it down seanking off 'wher ayd oing' batman asked they sotpe "a haha" thye chroused sheepishly he chukled noding they left off for breakfest t mine mom buzed thye saw her theyg apse din releif they hit it she walked in she shot off an shaodwed in and upstaris lena showed her in she gapsed ot i was bony and plae nad it all "lets hpe this works" eric murmured mom toko it and mixed it in she oured it al over my baon and shit i ate it chibi looking weak i aleyd bak down sleepy! "if this doesnt work she needs to bemated right away or she iwl die" mom siad nad left off for da soon enough theywere all around the next day over!!! it was a sight 


My bad Boy Possesive VampirE Wolfy Mate love story!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang