Denise looked taken aback by the answer the boy was giving her. The boy with a bandana which looked like it's been teared out of a old shirt, wrapped around his head and the ripped skinny jeans he was wearing.

''Well then what the fuck are you waiting for? Ask him already'' Denise answered back eyebrows raised.

''That's the problem! I don't know how or when or if he would answer or-''

Denise put her hand up, making Harry purse his lips to stop his rambling.

''Give him a gift. Can be a song, a ring made out of candy or whatever but Niall likes little things like that, he thinks its special like a piece of gold or something and as for the how, you should tell him what you said to me. That you're serious about this'' Denise answered and cracked a smile at him,

Harry sighed and smiled back.

''Thanks Denise'' He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, suddenly feeling shy at letting this all out at Denise of all people and getting adice from her at that. He didn't know about Niall liking those little special things, I mean sure they basically blurted out their biodata the third time they hung out but it's those little things that they kept to themselves that they didn't talk about.

Because they knew if this friendship or whatever it's gonna blossom too is gonna go far, those little things that's a part of who they are, are gonna show itself one day.

Denise shrugged and wanted to leave when Harry called out a ''Wait! When?'' and she laughed, turning around and crossing her arms.

''I'm pretty sure you know Niall is a very impatient boy'' She said with a wink and left.

Harry sighed, that didn't help at all.

''So what? Tonight?'' He asked to himself and groaned, sliding down to sit on the floor and hitting the back of his head at the wall several times.


Tonight was the rehearsal dinner.

Which means Harry and Max were pretty much in the same state, a nervous wreck. The Horans all seemed really really friendly, prove from Bobby, Maura and Greg but they don't know if the other were the same as well.

Niall came back in the hotel room to see Harry on the bed, cursing at his phone.

''Why aren;t you ready?'' Niall asked, praying to god Harry would let go of just now and not question him about it because he really wanted Harry to get what he meant, to ask him. Now, if possible! But all Harry did was look up from his phone and ask, ''Ready for what?'' Which made Niall sigh but not out of annoyance at all because Harry was just being too confused and cute and Niall couldn't hold the smile that appeared on his lips.

''Niall, Nate!'' Their cousin, the bride for tomorrow, Callie exclaimed as she rushed to the twins, having them in a deahtly hug as they pretended to choke and hugged their cousin back.

''Hey bridezilla'' Nate joked, earning a smack from Callie.

''Oh, who are they?'' Callie asked, smirking as she checked out the other pair of twins, talking to each other at the table where Greg was feeding Theo his bottle.

''Stop checking them out, you're getting married tomorrow'' Niall said with a chuckle.

''Oh shut up, Aunt Maura did say you guys were bringing two more guests but a pair of twins to entertain me before my wedding day, boyyyyyyyss, you shouldn't have'' Callie said with a huge grin, putting two arms around her cousins on either side of her.

''The only person one of them is gonna be entertaining tonight is me, nice try Cal'' Nate remarked, messing up his cousin's perfectly styled blonde hair.

''Ey! Stop abusing the hair and introduce me to the good looking twins, no offence to you two'' Callie replied with a laugh.

''Oh c'mon'' Niall muttered wih a roll of his eyes and dragged his favourite cousin to the table.

''Callie!'' Greg exclaimed with a grin.

''Hey Greg! And hello Theo, haven't seen you in a while'' Callie said, giving her nephew a kiss in his hair and then directing her attention to the pair of twins who were now looking at the Horan twins with matching looks of puzzlement.

Harry was looking up at Niall who was suddenly beside him and looking way to good to be standing alone there so he suddenly had both arms wrapped around Niall's waist and yanked him down onto his lap with a smirk after a squeak came out of the blonde.

''Well Niall, aren't you gonna introduce him to the bride?'' Callie asked, eyebrows wiggling at that action Harry just pulled which left Niall's face in a deep shade of red.

The blonde coughed and pinched Harry's thighs under the table. ''Yeah, sure. Callie, this is Harry and Harry, this is my cousin, the bride for tomorrow, Callie''

''Nice to meet you Callie, I would hug you but Niall is-''

''You were the one who pulled me!'' Niall intterupted, glaring at the boy he was sitting on.

''Did you get up after I did?'' Harry asked with a smirk.

Niall opened his mouth to answer but then decided to roll his eyes instead and turning back towards his cousin who was watching this with a very very huge grin on her face.

''Cal! This is Max, my boyfriend. Max, Callie'' Nate introduced quickly.

''So you guys got twin boyfriends by the first month of summer? Maybe I should visit Mullingar more often hmm?'' Callie commented and Niall tried to ignore how Harry slighly stiffened at the word boyfriend. Harry's hand was playing with Niall's fingers when it froze suddenly at what Callie said.

''Yeah well you're soon to be husband is searching for you'' Greg replied, poinitng to where where Callie's fiancee was walking towards them.

''Oops, well see ya dudes!'' She called out and gave Niall a lingering smirk before leaving.

''I like your cousin'' Harry commented.

''Shut up'' Niall muttered and Harry chuckled, continuing to play with Niall's fingers.




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