Kitty Meets Someone

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Someone was petting his ear. It felt good so he leaned into the touch, subconsciously purring. 

"Aw, look at him!" "He's a good one to take home, right?" 

Someone stroked his back and picked him up. His ears and tail were still being pet and the person who was holding him was so warm...

"Wow, he's so light!" "What a cute little bastard." "Pretty cute for such a fucked up thing"


"Something so cute shouldn't be at this school, right?' Laughter. "Yeah, let's show him where he really belongs." "Disgusting freak."

'Freak'...? Shion suddenly woke up. Someone tall and muscular had him cradled in their arms, numerous other mean looking boys were surrounding him.

"See, you woke him up!" "Isn't he cute when he's scared?" "He is a pet after all."

"Wait-what? Hey, let me go!" Shion struggled, but the man holding him held tight.

"What a bad pet!" Someone sprayed water in his face. Everyone jeered. "Let's put a collar on the thing already!" that got several screams of delight. Shion flailed and screamed, but the group laid him flat on the ground of the school courtyard, pinning him down with big meaty hands as they tightly tied what was obviously a dog collar around his neck. It was so tight he could barely breathe. "Aw! Now all we're missing is a leash!" No, NO!   Shion was terrified as one of the boys in the crowd held up a leash "No worries, I brought one!" Everyone cheered and congratulated the boy, fastening the leash to the collar as Shion began scratching and biting at their hands. "Come on now, kitty cat. You know it's not nice to disobey your masters." someone yanked harshly on the tight contraption, making Shion gag. In a rush of panic he kicked out at the small crowd, twisting and lashing out furiously until he saw a tiny opening between someone's legs.

Shion ducked and dashed, sprinting through the small entrance and running away. The group of boys gave chase, running after him with baseball bats and leaden pipes. But thankfully, Shion was as fast a runner as they came. Never in his life had someone ever caught him when he was in full sprint. He leaped over the industrial sized dumpsters in the back of the school, using them as a stepping stool to get to get his hands on one of the building's many ledges, then using those in turn to vault himself up onto the roof. 

Shion watched as a couple other boys tried and failed to climb up to him, a little part of him happy when most of them ended up falling into the trash. 

"Oi, boys! What're you doing out here? Get back to class!" a teacher yelled as she approached the disgruntled group, who of course immediately dropped their makeshift weapons and hurried back into the building before they got into any big trouble. Shion breathed a sigh of relief - well, as good as he could manage around the collar. He knew there was no way he could go back to class like this, though. He would get bullied and picked on to no end. He tried to take the collar off, but the latch was made weirdly, making it impossible for him to get off himself. Shion considered going to one of the school staff to help him, but then he would have to explain just exactly how that happened to him. And if the teachers outed the bullies for what they did in front of the entire grade...Shion knew he would never hear the end of it. Same thing went for if he asked a sympathetic student for help - there was no guarantee that they wouldn't out him to the entire school. 

Dejected, Shion quietly exited the rooftop and made his way to the library, always choosing the lesser used routes and eventually sitting down in a big plush chair that sat at the far end of the library, right in a corner that was surrounded by two large windows. Shion pulled up his hoodie to cover his ears and carefully tucked his tail down the back of his pants. He put on his headphones, thumbing through his phone to choose classical music, and promptly curled up and fell asleep. 

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