Nerd HQ

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As Tom and I walked the fairly short walk to the gallery, Tom grabbed my hand, running his fingers lightly across my palm. I giggled, trying to pull it away. Tom pulled me close and twirled me around, leaning down for a passionate kiss. I seemed to melt in his arms. I would have been in a heap on the ground if Tom hadn't been holding me upright.

"Tom," I breathed, pulling away. "The appointment at the gallery." Tom's eyes widened, remembering. "Then we better hurry," Tom said with a grin, grabbing my hand.

We arrived at the gallery just in time. Standing on the front steps, I sighed. I didn't want to say goodbye, and neither did Tom. Being caught in the moment, I reached into my bag and grabbed a Sharpie. I took Tom's hand and scrawled my phone number and address on his palm. Feeling bold, I grabbed ahold of the collar of his leather jacket and kissed his stunned lips. Before he could say anything, I ran inside.

           *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Overall, the appointment went well. The gallery loved my work and I was hired on the spot for private work. It had been almost two weeks since I had seen Tom, and I had not had any texts or calls from any weird numbers. I was a little hurt, but he was a celebrity after all. And I had only met him by chance anyway. Currently, I was working on a project for Marvel.

My commission for this piece was more money than I had seen in a year, so it had to be perfect. After the initial sketch was completed, I was trying to decide whether or not it should be colored. I reached for my box of paints, but they weren't where I put them. I sighed, getting up from my desk, looking around my messy studio. God, I thought. This place looks like hell. I gazed out the window.

My flat overlooked the Thames river, and it was quite peaceful. I opened the window above my desk, letting in a cool breeze. All I could think about was Tom. My head snapped up when I heard my phone ring, the Star Trek theme echoing off the walls. I walked out towards the living room, adjusting my Nerd HQ sign on my studio door as I walked out.

Picking up my phone, I pressed the talk button without looking at the number. "Hello. This is Nyssa Lynch. May I ask who is calling?" I said, flopping down on the couch, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"Nyasa. This is Joss. How is the piece coming along?" I laughed. "Hey, Joss. It's coming. I can't seem to find my paints, so that means another trip out to the store," I said with a laugh. I heard muffled laughs on the other line. "You know, Nyssa. You should learn to clean up once in a while. It'll save you the headache."

"You're one to talk, Joss. You've seen my studio once. Yours isn't exactly spotless," I giggled. I heard a light knock on the door. "Hey, Joss. Someone is at my door. I gotta go." "Okay. Just keep me updated on progress."

"Okay, I will. I'll talk to you later," I said, hanging up the phone. I set the phone down on the coffee table, stepping over a pile of books that I had yet to put away. I was almost at the door when I tripped over a shoe, falling against the door and hitting my foot against the doorframe. "Shit,"I muttered, hopping on one foot towards the door. I pulled the chain off and opened the door to see Tom standing there, looking fantastic in his leather jacket and dark jeans.

Damn. He looks so great and I look like shit. My hair is a mess and I'm still in my Thor jammies. "Tom," I said, trying to smooth out my hair. He smiled, holding out a single red rose. I blushed, and took it. "Oh, I'm sorry. Come on in," I said, pushing my pile of shoes out of the way. "Sorry about the mess. I wasn't anticipating company."

"It's quite alight. I do apologize for not having called sooner. I had to fly out to LA for a bit," Tom replied, closing the door behind him. We walked into the living room, having to step over my massive pile of books on the floor, and shoving a few more off the couch to sit down.

"How have you been?" Tom asked, crossing his legs at the ankle. I shrugged, and flashed a smile. "Not bad," I said, twirling a strand of hair between my fingers. "The gallery hired me, almost on the spot. I'm currently working on a piece for Marvel. I literally have Joss on speed dial," I said with a laugh.

Tom leaned over and gave me a warm hug. "That's great, Nyssa. May I see?" I bit my lip. Recently, everyone had done nothing but praise my work, but the idea of Tom looking at my work made me nervous.

"Sure, I guess,"I mumbled nervously, leading Tom towards my studio. He let out a soft laugh, pointing to my Nerd HQ sign on the door. I giggled nervously and opened the door. For anyone to see my studio was a big deal, for not many got the opportunity. There were Marvel posters of different movies on one wall, as well as Star Trek and Harry Potter posters. On another wall was my wall of celebrity autographs which included the entire casts of J.J. Abrams Star Trek, Harry Potter, the Avengers, and Sherlock. I also had a portion of the room dedicated to one of my first loves: the Phantom of the Opera.

Tom just looked around the room with avid interest, like a kid in a candystore.

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