[Vol.2] Chapter 10

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The next few days Shu Nian walked limply.

Xie Yan who never experiences the taste of it, felt the new experience was very fresh and interesting, from that day onward he never let go of Shu Nian every night.

Although the gentle lovemaking was very gratifying, but Shu Nian had always had a weak stamina, going at it for few hours every night was too intense. Originally the area that hadn't been used for that kind of thing before, in addition to the dull pain, there was also a distinctive sensation left around his body, and looking at Xie Yan's face would trigger memories that made his body tingled.

And the person who always initiated it had a very calm expression.

It was really incredible, logically speaking, wasn't having a physical relationship in sober state shouldn't have that many differences with the sex he had before?

He had lost himself in the passion of homosexual sex, Xie Yan was extremely in love, and really love the intimate contact, Xie Yan had been ecstatic before and didn't let want to let go, and now he couldn't restrain himself from the passion.

Xie Yan suddenly thought about his foolishness when he was still denial, and he felt so ashamed to lift his head.

"Xiao Nian."

Shu Nian slightly hunched due to the aching around his waist, he was standing in front of a bookshelf that was filled with folders to find something, when he heard Xie Yan's voice, he involuntarily tensed up, and hurriedly straightened his back.

"Is your body getting better?"

"It's okay..."

"You look like you are very tired, which part is hurting?"

"......" Being asked with such a direct question, Shu Nian awkwardly averted his eyes: "Not, not hurt......"

"Hrmm, so cold. Are you blaming me for doing you too hard for the past few days?"

Shu Nian's hands frozen mid-air, he didn't nod, nor did he shake his head, and he looked embarrassed.

And that thick-skinned and unpredictable guy gently held Shu Nian's chin and turned his face over, and kissed him hardly: "Of course, it is my first time in more than twenty years to experience the real satisfaction of sex, how could I control myself."

Surprisingly Xie Yan had always be able to say loudly whatever in his mind, Shu Nian's face immediately flushed, pushed away from Xie Yan's mouth, turned around and fled.

He could only walked two steps before he was seized around his waist by Xie Yan.

"Xiao Nian, you are so shy."

"No, not."

Shu Nian felt that it was really weird to use shy on him since that word is use to describe a girl. He felt he was just too nervous.

He was a conservative person, he was very inexperience in relationship, and he didn't take the initiative to learn about it, wanting him to be openly intimate with Xie Yan, he really need some time to build up courage, and to have a thicker skin.

After having a relationship for a period of time, his condition had been much better than before, his body no longer stiffened when being touched by Xie Yan, his voice wouldn't tremble because of the closed proximity with Xie Yan, but when Xie Yan was being like this, holding him and groping around in the broad daylight, there was no way for him to remain calm.

"There is no other way, you shouldn't look jumpy, you need a lot of practice."

"Hand...don't use your hand to touch there..." Shu Nian stammered, even his ears were red.

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