Meeting the other Rossetti

Start from the beginning

“No thank you I am fine but can you warm up Braydon bottle he will wake soon?” I asked as I sat down gesturing to the men to sit.

“Please proceed to your agreement.” I said sitting back in my chair.

“Alright Basically Mr. O’rien and I will like you to have 15 percent of the company in New York and the land in one condition.” Mr. Tisdale said. I grabbed Braydon when I saw he was about to cry rocking him and placing the car seat on the floor. I looked at the two business men in front of me. That has cause many problems threw out the years.

“That will be?” I asked.

“I would like you to break up with Miss. Cross and I would like to hold the child.” Mr. O’rien said looking at Braydon with amazement and other I couldn’t tell in his eyes. I was always taught to read people especially when making a final confusion but his eyes held to many emotions to pick just one. Why would he even want me to break up with Laney? We aren’t even dating and hold Braydon. That is a no for certain Laney is very protective of Braydon. She’d be really upset with and probably forget about our little deal just for letting him touch her son.

“Not happening. This is not a proper business meeting and you know that. I can buy your company very fast from the bank in a couple months if I decided to put out more business in New York. Also I will not break up with my girlfriend I am in Love with her, as for touching my son you will never get to touch him. Are you some creep asking to touch someone else child? Should I call the cops and get a restraining order out against you. ” I asked him standing up. Braydon began to gurgle and touch my face and laugh.

“You have no Idea what you are talking about. I will hold him one day watch.  As for the business I will give you a week to make up your mind. Bye Braydon” Mr. O’rien said leaving with Mr. Tisdale.

“What is wrong with these people Bray?” I told him as he laughed at his new nickname. Cara walked in with the bottle telling about paper work on her desk I followed her and got them putting them in my bag and proceeded to talk to her about taking a day off. Then putting baby bag and grabbing the car seat and walking out my building saying afternoon to all my employees as they watch me leave. I loved my job very much it will always come first.

To say I was shocked to get home and see all the lights out and strobe lights blinking from every window in the house. Music playing very loudly and ever thirty seconds screaming. I entered the house slowly only to earn a scream from beside me and something hitting me on my forehead and then all over my body. I instantly turned the lights out to hear everyone yell.

“Ha-ha I got Uncle Landon Daddy.” I heard little Darrel Jr. Say laughing. Grabbing the nerf bullet from the floor I stared at many eyes around the room.

“Would someone explain why the hell there are strobe lights everywhere, people screaming, and music louder than loud, why my friends are here, also why you are having a nerf war inside my house. What the hell did you do to Rudolph? I bet Laney is still upstairs sick and you guys are streaming being very inconsiderate.” I looked at my poor puppy who is in a princess costume hiding his face.

“I wanted Rudolph to be a girl so daddy bought me the costume for him.”  Jackie said petting Rudolph.

“Well that's one question, who will answer the rest?”  I watched as all of them looked at each other and then slowly turned to one person I wasn’t expecting. Who was looking sheepishly to the ground.

“I woke up feeling better than before and Mich said you left and had Braydon. So I knew he was safe after an hour I got bored and asked if anyone wanted to play a game Darrel said a Paint ball fight but we didn’t have any guns or place to shot it plus we are inside. Then Darrel called Meg and asked for permission if we can have one outside. But she said no and told him to send me back to bed but after I made fun of him for asking for permission he thought he was bad and loaded the kids in the car and we went to the store and got loads of nerf guns and bullets. We started to play just us but it was too small, easy, and boring. So Darrel said he’d call friends. So we played pitch black but Darrel was scared though he did blame it on poor little Darrel Jr. Being scared.  So Jason, Darrel friend came and brought Strobe lights with him.” Laney said smiling and looking at Darrel who was denying being scared of the dark. The smile on Laney face as she yelled back at him sticking her tongue and running toward me to scoop Braydon up.

“Hey Guys.” I said to my friends as Laney and Mich left with the kids toward the kitchen.

“Hey Landon she is definitely a keeper man. Way better than that bitch you had.” Ron my best friend said. Ron has been my friend since pre-school. We use to never get along at all. I remember my mom dropping me off and I would immediately steal something of Ron’s and destroy it making him cry at school. Until one day he threw his milk cartoon at my head making me cry. We had to stay in for recess that day and just became friends.

“I know.” In all honesty I don’t. I just met her a weeks and half ago the whole time she was basically sick. I know nothing about her really besides the basic. It would be cool to get to know since she will be here for a while. This whole fake girlfriend thing won’t go well until we know way more stuff about each other. If I know my family which I do my little sister and mother will be giving her quizzes on me. My mom is a very sweet person until it comes to someone breaking one of hearts. Laney is very beautiful but I don’t think I would ever date her. She just isn’t my type she has a kid for one. But Braydon he is pretty darn amazing and quiet at times. I like the kid he is cool baby he is very mellow during the day at night he cries a lot. But that’s what babies do. Plus I don’t even want to be in a relationship especially if the person has a kid way to much responsibility when I have enough already.

  “Alright I have to go I need to go pick up Max from Wendy’s. I will see you guys Sunday. Laney it was very nice to meet you. I had fun your way cooler then Landon.” Ron yelled into the kitchen making me shake my head.

“Alright see you guys later.” I told Ron and everyone else that started to leave.  “I thought you didn’t trust her Darrel?” I questioned him as we walked toward the kitchen.

“I didn’t but I questioned her a lot and she seems like a nice person and the way she talked about her son you can tell she would do anything for him. Then I asked her about you and she answered pretty well. Oh then she asked if we were hungry. That was a deal breaker.” Darrel said chuckling.

“You and your damn food.” I told him as I watch Mich grabs stuff out of the fridge and hand it to Laney who was showing Jackie how to peel an orange.

“Alright guys it almost time to go. We have to go pick up Grandma soon.”

“But daddy we are making food.” Jackie whined at her dad.

“Jackie stop whining now. We will wait for the food to finish so you keep helping because I am starving.”  Darrel said rubbing his stomach. Shaking my head I watch as Mich grabbed Little Darrel’s hand.

“GIVE IT BACK FATTY!” He immediately yelled.

“Darrel what did your mother say about you saying that!” Darrel said looking at his son.

“FINE GIVE IT BACK, PLEASE YOU FATTY!” He yelled at Mich making me chuckle and watch as Darrel ran towards Mich. 

"Well this is some of my family for you." I laughed out looking at Laney.

"They are sweet, espacially Darrel Jr. He is such a smooth talker."  She said handing Braydon his bottle who held it quickly in his car seat.. How come when I gave it to him he wouldn't hold it. "He likes to be lazy so if he doesn't want to hold it he will act like he doesn't know how to plus that means he gets held more frequently." Laney said as she caught my curious gaze.

"Smart kid." I said watching him as he looked over and smile at me. " We need to talk later if you still feel fine." I told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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