Chapter 2:The Beginning

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"WHAT!!" Ashlie cries out. "YOU CANT DO THIS YOU....YOU....SADISTIC ASS!"The monotone voice rang "Oh really now. I have your life. Do you want to make your new god ANGRY!" As soon as he said that Ashlie's throat tightened. She didnt know if it was in fear or if it was his doing. But she couldn't breath. She started to turn colors. Red to Blue to Purple. Then she caught her breath. She started to cough. Falling to the ground crying. Everyone stood still and was as silent as a mouse. The voice shouted "ANYONE ELSE OBJECT!?" Everyone, seeing Ashlie in that state, made everyone nervous and quiet. She lied still on the ground until Nick came over and picked her up. He put her in the cave like structure behind them. "Are you okay? What happened?" Nick said with panic and worry in his voice. "I don't know. I couldn't breath. I have no clue if it was from me being petrified or if he is a non-human being." Ashlie responded with. Nick gave Ashlie seemingly long but swift hug and they both walked back outside. Ashlie didn't  realize that was the first time they had hugged. She felt warm and what can only be described as nice. The voice had talked about the rules but Ashlie had know from virtual experience. Soon after the voice rang.
          Soon after Uni looked back at the Iron and Gold bars they accumulated. He rushed to pick-up the gold bars. They weren't normal gold bars. They were light and almost weightless. He saw a machine that looked like a man with a hatch where the stomach is. Uni had put the bars down and the machine turned the gold to wood. Uni didn't know how it worked but he didn't care. He took the wood that was perfectly shaped into block's. He set them down. It was almost like being in the game. They snapped into place and Uni felt more relived when the bed was covered.

          Ashlie ran for the bars still slowly being dispensed. She wondered what would happen in the future. After the twisted and horrid game. If her and her friend's  survive. She started to hope. She put the material's down. Almost like magic the machine took in the items and dropped a crudely made stone sword. She started to worry again. She knew. That it was to dull. She would have to bludgeon people with it. The thought made her tear up. Nick noticed and consoled her. Uni looked and grinded his teeth and formed a fist.
           Nick went for the iron to buy blocks of wool. He didn't know how this would support someone. But he tried and it worked! "What in the living Hell?" Ashlie came to test if it could support more than one person. Sure enough it wasn't crumbling under there weight. He soon headed to a island were he could see a cube of diamonds. He was glad to see he made it there first. He grabbed the cleaned and cut diamonds and headed back.

           Cory had waited for the gold to accumulate. He was glad when he had enough for a bow and a few arrows. He place the gold in front of the machine. The machine took it in and sure enough it had created a bow with a quiver of arrows. He counted the arrows. He had 25 and still had 3 bars of gold. He watched for Nick to see if anyone came after him.

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