An AutoBot?!

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When Cade pulled up to the theater, he parked in front of it. Naomi could see Lucas pull up in his dinky little car from the other direction, music blasting through the speakers and out the windows. He parked farther down the street, in front of some kids that were giving him an odd look. The worst of it was that he was singing along with the music.

" Well look who decided to show up for work. " Cade scoffs as he gets out of the truck.

'God I can't stand him.' she growled while getting out of her Dad's truck, following close behind him.


When we walked up to Lucas I didn't catch what Dad said, all I heard was "surfer" and "padre".

" The waves are flat and I got no gas, you know that Cade.-" A truck drove in front of Lucas, not stopping or slowing down. "- Dude, rude."

" Look at the two junebugs, oh mama~. Hey Naomi, lookin' fine. " he pointed his hands at me like they were guns.

" Watch it Lucas. " Dad said pointing at him.

" Hey you're paying me on this one right Cade? Please telling me I'm getting paid. " he was practically begging.

" Ya'know Lucas, some guys are just happy to have a job at all? " Dad took off his glasses.

" Yeah I suppose... " as he comes closer to Dad.

" You got any cash on you? "

" Yeah. "

" Alright good. " Dad turns and walks to the theater where there is an older man leaning on an old pick-up truck. Lucas just looks at him in confusion. I make a small noise that catches Lucas' attention, he looks to me and I flip him off.

I sign to him. " Don't flirt with me. " I follow after dad.

" Hey, Lucas Flanner. " Lucas holds his hand out to the man, and he does this weird handshake. Instead of like a normal person, the guy holds his hand out, just like a woman that expects you to kiss the top of her hand. Dad looks to me as if to confirm what he just saw.

" That was pretty gay of him. " I signed while raising my eyebrow with a frown on my face. Dad just laughed and pulled me in with him as we followed the older 'feminine' man. Lucas was behind us.

" Place has been in the family since '28. Grandaddy ran it all his life, ain't that right Grandaddy? Real soon he's gonna sign it over to me. "

'Grandaddy? Really?' I scoffed, Dad put his hand on my shoulder as if to tell me to be nice.

" The movies nowadays, that's the trouble. Sequels and remakes, bunch of crap. I love that one. " The oldest man walks over to a stand with on old poster of an old movie. I couldn't help but smile.

" He's deaf and senile. " he did this weird head bobbing while he talked. I rolled my eyes.

" I heard that. " I didn't stop the messed up giggle that left my mouth. I may not be able to talk but I can make noises, including laughing and similar things to it. However they are all scratchy and horrible to listen too.

We walked into a smaller room off to the side.

" Now these just need some spit and polish. I believe they're digital, possibly IMAX. " he walked by and gestured over to the dust and cobweb covered machines. Dad stopped him before he could go any further with his nonsense.

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