Stupid Human

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Two weeks have past since Finn first possessed his disease. He has lost weight drastically, even though Bubblegum has made sure he's had plenty to eat and drink.
Finns eyes locked on the ceiling above him, impatiently waiting for Jake to come visit him. His entire body was in pain, and his lungs felt like they were about to pop. Finn poked at the cannula tube in front of his nostrils.
"Why can't I just get better?" Finn thought. "I miss kicking monsters behinds. And I really don't want my friends to worry about me anymore. They don't need that kind of stress in their lives."
Finn let out a long sigh as he ran his fingers through his short, floppy, blonde hair. He turned his head at the sound of footsteps in the room.
"Hey Finn." Princess Bubblegum said with a smile. Finn smiled at her outfit. She was wearing the pink sweatshirt with a heart on it she had given him. He lets her where it whenever she wants. He thought she looked much better in it anyways.
"P-princes?" Finn said weakly. Bubblegums smile faded to sad frown. It killed her to see him like this. Little did she know it killed Finn to see her like this. Always worried.
"Yeah Finn?" She said, forcing a smile once more.
"Can you get me my hat? I feel naked without it." Finn stated.
Bubblegum chuckled and grabbed his hat from off a table. "Your hair is adorable though! I've never seen it for this long before." The princess said as she tossed his hat from one hand to the other.
"There's a r-reason for that." Finn said laughing a bit. "My b-u-tiful bangs always get in my eyes. The hat keeps them out of the way." Finn said emphasizing the word beautiful.
"Well your bangs are beautiful. Here you go dork." Bubblegum said as she handed the hat to Finn.
"Why thanks y-your majesty." Finn said as he sat up against the back of the bed and bowed to her.
He coughed, but kept his mouth closed and quickly grabbed for the bucket next to his bed. He coughed once more and watched the blood drip into the bucket.
"Sorry... that was g-gross. Didn't mean to d-do that in front of you." Finn said as he continued to stare into the bucket. A tear escaped his eye out of frustration and embarrassment. He reached out for a cloth on the dresser and wiped his mouth.
"Finn-" Bubblegum said before getting cut off.
"I'm supposed to be the strong one Bonnie. Jeez I mean come on, I'm the hero and protecter of Ooo!" Finn yelled throwing his hands in the air. "But I'm not strong! I'm just a stupid human who gets a little sick and has to lay in a bed for weeks and do nothing.
"Finn! Stop screaming this nonsense!" Bonnie said taking the side of his face in her hand. "You can't control what's happening. You're doing all that you can by resting. You've taken all the medicines I've made, and I'm so so sorry that they haven't worked. You're not a stupid human. You're amazing for being human. You're unique and so special. You having this sickness makes you even stronger. There's a reason they call you the hero of Ooo Finn."
Finn scrunched his eyes closed as more tears streamed down his face. Bubblegum stumbled onto the bed as Finn clasped both his arms around her in a tight hug. She slowly wiggled her arms free so that she could return the hug. 
Ten seconds passed before a knock on on the open door interrupted their hug. Finn swatted the tears form his eyes before realizing who was at the door.
"Ice King. W-what do you want man?" Finn said, his eyes still stinging red.
"Well Finn, I heard that my friend was sick. So I felt it necessary to come see my friend and make sure he was okay." Ice King said with an eerie smile.
"Stupid banana guards.." Bubblegum growled under her breath, upset that they let him in.
"Just get out of h-here Ice King. I'm n-not feeling too good and your not m-makin me feel any better." Finn said as he clutched his side.
"Finn... you don't look too good. Your... your dying Finn." Ice king said with a long face.
Finn rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry. "I'm not dying d-dude. Plenty of rest and I'll be fine. R-right Princess?" Finn asked Bubblegum, looking up at her with hopeful eyes.
Bubblegums eyes grew glossy as she twirled a strand of hair in between her fingertips. "Uh, I actually don't know for sure. You've lost a dangerous amount of weight, and the blood hasn't stopped coming. And your breathing definitely hasn't gotten better. It's gotten worse." Bonnie sighed. "I've actually been really worried for a while. I don't know if or when you'll ever get better."
Finn looked blankly at Ice King, at loss for words. "Is this really it for me?" Finn thought.
"I can help you." Ice King explained.
"How are y-you going to help me?" Finn said growing angry.
"Well has anything else you tried helped you so far? Why not take any help you can get? You don't know how much time you have left Finn." Ice King snapped.
Finn shivered at Ice Kings words. Realizing Ice King was right, Finn gave off a tiny nod.
"I was human once. But I don't remember most of it. All I know is there's no way you can cure this. We don't have she knowledge and supplies to. This disease is obviously proving fatal. But I do know one way that will cure whatever it is you have..."
"Yes, and what's that?" Finn asked.
Ice King removed his crown and presented it before Finn and Bubblegum.
"I've been the Ice King for quite some time. Now, it's time for the Ice Prince to take the throne."

The Ice Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें