Chapter Two

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Yusuke and his group had noticed the surge of energy within the forest as they sat in their Hotel room, and though they were curious of it's origin they didn't investigate. Most likely it was from a Demon, they assumed. "I bet it's another Demon trying to show off his energy to scare us," Kuwabara stated folding his arms across his chest as he sat back on of the sofas in their room. "Perhaps..," Kurama replied, his emerald gaze fixed on the window in the direction he'd sensed the energy, "However this feels different."

"Tch, whatever it is I don't care. All I care about is kicking ass in our next match," Yusuke stated in a slight huff. "Yes, that should be our first priority," Kurama replied with a nod, "It's a good thing we will have the day tomorrow to prepare and observe our opponents." His gaze then shifted to Hiei seated on the windowsill and looking out in the direction of the energy, from his face down to his injured arm he concealed within his pocket. No one else seemed to notice Hiei's injuries were incredibly severe, but of course he was the only one who could see through Hiei's facade. Of course it was possible the masked fighter could tell how injured he was, but it was difficult to tell since he almost never spoke.

Hiei's crimson gaze never left the trees that swayed in the distance, wondering as well where the energy had come from. With his injured right hand tucked away from view, he did his best to refrain from moving as even the slightest movement seemed to send a surge of pain rushing through his entire right arm.

As the sun began to lift into the sky signaling the next morning, Hiei left seeking solitude where he could attempt to deal with his injuries. Kurama too left shortly after to watch the fights and observe the fighters abilities and techniques. Yusuke left later in the morning to train, though he found he was unable to use his spirit gun.

The sun shining in through the window against Jessica's face soon awoke her, her brows furrowed as she blinked open her eyes and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the sunlight. Sitting up with a small yawn she looked around, her heart beating slightly faster as she realized she was still in their world. Standing up from her makeshift bed upon the sofa and pulling on the jeans Botan had given her, she made her way to the window. Jessica turned as the door to the bedroom opened, Botan stepping outside and yawning cutely. Her blue hair was pulled up with curlers in it, her purple eyes meeting Jessica's. A bright smile formed across her lips as she moved toward her, "Good morning.~"

Jessica too smiled warmly and nodded, "Good morning Botan. Did you sleep okay?"

Botan gave a small sigh, "Well, as good as I can on an Island full of Demons."

Chuckling softly in response, Jessica nodded, her dark eyes then shifting to Keiko as she emerged from the room after Botan. The two exchanged "Good Mornings" as well, spending the morning in their room as Botan attempted to convince Keiko to go and see Yusuke. As Jessica had expected, she refused not wanting to interrupt him as he seemed truly happy during his fights. Smiling warmly at her as Jessica sat upon the floor, gazing up at Botan and Keiko seated on the bed above her, she shifted her attention to Shizuru as she entered and interrupted the emotional talk.

Tossing a beer to Botan and Jessica and an Apple Juice to Keiko, the four of them made a toast to Yusuke kicking Demon butt the next day and got ready for the day. Jessica sipped from her can of beer, doing her best not to make a sour face as she did so. Even though she was of legal age to drink even in her own world, she had never cared for the taste of beer, but because Shizuru had been so generous to buy her one she refused to let on her dislike for the beverage.

"Jessica, will you come with me to watch the fights with Yusuke and the others? Koenma asked me to introduce you to them," Botan asked the brunette female, interrupting her focus on downing her beer. Blinking her dark eyes at the bluenette for a moment Jessica gave a nervous smile, "...Are you sure..? I mean... I don't want to be in the way or anything..."

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