Swallowing roughly she kicked the blankets from her legs and swung them over the edge of her bed before rising to a stand, carefully making her way through the room and turning on the light. Her dark brown gaze shifted to the opposite side of her bed, falling upon a fairly large sleeping cat. A small smile curved her lips at the sight of her cat curled into a small ball and cutely sleeping without a care in the world. Though she was envious, more so was she happy that her pet was sleeping so soundly. After all, nightmares weren't uncommon for her to have during the night.

With a quiet sigh she decided to take a walk to clear her head, as she would often do late at night. Probably not what most people would do, but she wasn't like most people in the least. After slipping into a light black jacket and a pair of sneakers, she left her house without a single word, careful not to awaken her parents as she crept out the front door. Pausing in her footsteps she lifted her gaze to the dark sky above, storm clouds blocking the moon from her view and a light fog blanketing the town in all directions.

A low rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance, and despite knowing a storm was nearing she continued on her way, the soft tapping of her shoes on the concrete surface of the sidewalk being the only sound she made. The warm Summer air tickled her pale cheeks as a breeze blew past her, the gentle sound of trees rustling in the wind filling her ears. A single light post ahead began to flicker as the storm clouds rolled nearer, the rumbling thunder growing louder.

Ignoring the nearing storm, she took in a long deep breath, enjoying the strengthening breeze as it blew past her; her naturally wavy brunette locks brushing across her neck and face as she walked. Reaching into the pocket of her jacket, her fingers curled around the small Ipod Nano within, the cord of her earbuds wrapped securely around it. Pulling the small device from the confines of her jacket and unraveling the earbuds from around it, she gently placed one bud into her ear and turned it on. A soft sigh escaped her as the music flowed out, relaxing her as she continued forward, determined to at least walk around the block before returning to her home.

As she walked nearer to the light-post, she lifted her gaze to the flickering light overhead as she approached, a sinking feeling suddenly entering her as it flickered out completely the instant she stepped under it. Shrugging it off, she continued on, turning the corner ahead before her eyes widened as they settled on the sky above. Instantly stopping in her footsteps, her lips parted as a gasp left her, "..What the..."

The storm clouds before blocking the moon from sight had parted, revealing it to be a deep shade of red. Lightning began to strike across the dark evening sky, the wind picking up to an unsettling speed, swirling around her as she took a step back. Thunder clapped loudly overhead, lightning striking dangerously close into a tree mere feet away from her. As the tree came crashing down across the road in front of her she was too stunned to move for a matter of seconds before she spun on her heels and ran back toward her home.

Panting heavily as she ran, fear etched within her features as she cried out for help feeling herself being pulled backward by an unknown force. Too frightened to look back she reached out for anything to stop her as she was sucked backward, but she was soon engulfed in darkness.

Gazing out his window, the Spirit World ruler sat perched, eyeing the storm outside as rain pitter-patted against the glass pane. His brow furrowed as he gazed out at the storm, sensing the growing energy within the distance. His brown eyes went wide once he realized the source of it, "What...?!"

The blue Ogre who had been seated in a chair a few feet from the toddler jumped from his seat, falling out upon the floor before jumping up and turning to Koenma. "Koenma sir, what is it? What's wrong?," he asked in a panic, leaning forward to follow the toddlers gaze out the window, "Did you see something?"

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