AND POKEY (pt 1)

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Even though George was Alex’s boss, Lafayette had some weird thing for him. Not really a crush, exactly, but he really looked up to and admired him, went out of his way to do nice things for him. He loved talking to him at Alex’s office parties, had a sort of polite repertoire with him that John found fascinating and Alex found annoying. So, naturally, after a cookout at the Washington’s on Memorial Day Weekend, when George mentioned in passing that they had no one to watch their weimaraner Liberty for the following weekend when they were out of town, Lafayette immediately volunteered.

“Are you out of your mind?” Alex snapped on the subway ride home. “That dog is nuts, she needs space to run, she’s on this weird raw diet, she has like a million toys, spoiled rotten--”

“For someone who claims to hate her, you sure know a lot about her,” John noted.

“Well, Wash doesn’t shut up about her, she’s like his kid.”

“All the more reason we should look after her!” Lafayette replied. “He trusts us with his most loved pet, his darling Liberty! Think of how much he will appreciate this, how he will think of you, Alexander!”

Alex mumbled something about wanting Washington to think of him in terms of his work, nothing else, but Lafayette paid him no mind.

It turned out Liberty was a fine house guest. This became apparent Friday night, hardly an hour after George dropped her off, along with her massive crate, a duffel filled with her toys, and a cooler containing several tupperwares filled with a sort of pinkish paste.

“I grind all her meals myself,” George said proudly. “That should be enough for the weekend.”

“What’s in it?” John asked conversationally, examining one of the tupperwares.

“Beef, turkey necks, some liver.”

Alex looked green.

“Also, make sure she has Squeaky Duck in her crate with her at bedtime, or she will cry all night.”

“Squeaky Duck, yes sir, we will,” Lafayette said breathlessly.

“Alright, we’ll be back around 3 on Sunday.” After Washington said an embarrassingly mushy goodbye to Liberty, and the door was shut, the dog went from sitting obediently by the door to making herself completely at home on their couch.

“Hey!” Alex grumbled. “That’s my spot!” Liberty looked up from where she lay, Squeaky Duck between her massive paws.

“Aw, I think she’s cute!” John said, flopped on the couch next to her so he could rub her velvety ears. Alex would swear up and down the look Liberty gave him was smug and triumphant.

But he had more important things to do then enter a staring contest with a dog. He shrugged, went back into his office to work.

Alex made himself scarce on Saturday, drove out to the island to see Angelica and her kid for brunch, leaving Laf and John to deal with Liberty and their normal Saturday errands.

John took Liberty on his morning jog, really enjoyed having her trot beside him while he did a few miles in Central Park. She was good company, jovial and spritely. Running with her, he caught the eye of several men in the park, which made him feel attractive.

“Shame I’m not single,” John said conversationally as he unhooked her leash in the kitchen. Lafayette, glittering with sweat and looking gorgeous in his yoga pants and tank top, handed him a smoothie he just blended. “Liberty is an incredible wing woman. A few dudes were checking us out.”

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