Chapter 2

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     Elsie P.O.V.
     As we walk closer to the school, I suddenly remember that Asa and I are holding hands. I quickly flash him my pearly whites and let go of his hand. He gives an embarrassed smile and we enter Skyview High school.

    I walk to my locker with Asa trailing behind; his locker is a few away from mine. Cracking the combo, I try to remember if I have a hockey game tonight. Yes, I am on the hockey team- the only girl as well! Not to brag, but I was voted MVP both years I have been on the team. So I guess I am one of the better players. I keep humble about it tho.

    I place my textbook in my locker and I hear someone walk up behind me. I ignore it, then they come up behind me. I look at the floor and see orange Converse with royal blue laces. Who else but Logan Lerman!
"Guess who!" He says playfully.
I tease him saying, "well if it isn't Jack Harries!"
     He chuckles and replies, "nope! Again!"
"Finn Harries," I guess.
He sighs and takes his hands off my eyes. "Hello, Elsieeee!" He greets me energetically, giving me a bear hug and kisses my cheek. I blow into his ear and this leads to a quick game of "spleen" where we try to jab each other in the rib cage.

     Logan kisses me on the cheek all the time. Don't get me wrong, I see him as a best friend, nothing more. He's not my boyfriend. As far as I know, he likes my other older brother Nate's girlfriend, Nicola. And I'm head over heels for my celebrity crush, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Those chocolate eyes of his, and that charming smile makes me feel like a baked potato inside.

    I turn around and head to class to see Asa looking at me and Logan with a sad look in his eyes. Oh no, I think. Is he okay? Is he sick? He sees me come over and looks away.
     "You alright, mate?" I ask. I hate to see a buddie sad!

     "What? Oh, yeah... it's fine..." he says unconvincingly. Well, he doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk about it so I won't push it.
"Mmmkay" I simply reply, with a smile.
      "Wellllll Lo and I should probably be getting to first period now..." I say unintentionally trailing off the sentence awkwardly. Why was that awkward? I think. It never is and never should be.

     I run over to Logan and we walk to our first period classes, I have chemistry, he has maths. Rooms are right next to each other's first period. I'm not in love with chemistry, but it is cool sometimes. The teacher lulls on, but I get to sit next to my favourite twins: Jack and Finn Harries.

Asa P.O.V.

    Oh God, I thought to myself, you really messed that up, you bloody idiot.
    I was planning to tell Elsie how much I was in love with her today on the walk to school but then I got a phone call and then my dumb ass asked her to SING for me. Why?!?! When we get to school, I was going to ask her to hang out with me after school, then Lerman had to show up, of course. He kissed her on the cheek and I felt my blood boil. She always insists that they are just friends but it still hurts... Oh, Ace! I mentally scold myself. She's your best friend, for god's sakes! You don't own her. Don't be extra! She's so beautiful though, yet SO clueless. I've been giving her signals here and there that say "more than friends" since middle school, but she never notices them.

Elsie P.O.V.

    I walk in and Jack and Finn Harries are already there, sitting down with open notebooks in front of them. When I make my way to the back of the room to our seats, they wave and I wave  back. I sit across from them.
     "Aye, Els, lookin' good today!" Jack greets me, then adds "Nice kicks, too." And points to my black and white adidas sambas under the lab table. 
    "Oh, Jackson, you sure know how to make a girl feel special," I say with a dreamy sigh and flutter my blond eyelashes. We all laugh for a bit. I love joking around with the twins.
    "So! Got a hockey game tonight, yeah?" Finn pipes up. "Ha ha I thought I did! I was thinking about it when I was putting in my locker combo this morning. Did you know Coach Lockley is having a team party tommo-" The last part is cut off when the chem teacher, Ms. Pemberlin, claps her hands together as she always does to shut us up.
    "Alright, kids! We have a new student in our class today! Be nice everyone! He will be coming in shortly!"

    Instantly everyone starts talking to each other. We haven't had a new kid in ages! In our class too!
    "Fresh meat!" Finn says with an evil smirk as he rubs his palms together.
     "Oh, Finnegan!" I say rolling my eyes and then laughing. Jack has doubled over, laughing at his twin.
     Ms. Pemberlin slaps her hands together again. We all turn to look as the door opens and the new student comes into the chem lab. My ocean-blue eyes widen a bit. No... couldn't be... could it? Is that really... I ask myself. But, oh, Elsie it is.

A/N: what's up, guys! It's Anya. This chapter was another sort of another "set the scene, meet characters" chapter. Things should start to really get going soon. Thanks for reading, lovely's! Love youuu!
Okay, I am aware that there are some age gaps between the real ages of Jack and Finn, Asa, and Logan but this is for my story. I just chose my favourite teen-ish famous people.
~ Anya xoxo <3

Is This For Real? (A Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Asa Butterfield fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora