Salazar put a hand to his chin. "We need a plan," he agreed. However, there was no time to formulate one, since Martin emerged from the room just then, Edward tucked firmly under his arm. It was surprising that he was able to carry Fullmetal like that, since the kid was really heavy with his automail. But he was able to hold him up with ease. He was stronger than Salazar gave him credit for.

"We need to move now," he told the waiting chimeras, not stopping for a response. He strode past all of them, leaving the chimeras no other choice but to follow. They would have to act soon, before Martin got away with the young alchemist.

Everyone was silent when they moved through the corridors, even Edward. Someone might have already been in the building after the entrance was opened, and they were trying not to attract too much attention to themselves. Salazar, meanwhile, was going through outcomes in his head. All of them were powerful chimeras; Salazar himself had a venomous bite. They could easily take down Martin if they went all at once. But it was too risky. Martin had a good hold of Edward, and there was no possible way that they could get him away from the doctor without keeping the blond teen out of harm's way. They would need a distraction. Fortunately, they still had the element of surprise on their side.

The distraction came most unexpectedly at the end of the hall they were walking along. It was difficult to see in the candlelight, but it appeared to be a seven-foot-tall suit of armor. Salazar rubbed his eyes and looked again. No, he wasn't seeing things. A suit of armor with glowing red eyes stood at the end of the hall, blocking their way. If the armor had any sort of expression, it looked as if it was as startled to come across them as they were to it. It looked at each of them in turn, until its gaze fell upon Edward, tucked securely under Martin's left arm. Its eyes seemed to widen at the sight of the chained alchemist.

"Brother! Is that you?" it spoke, as if not believing what he was seeing.

Up until then, Edward had been staring at the towering suit of armor, as if trying to take in what he was seeing. When the armor spoke, his face lit up. "Al!" he called, starting to wriggle around in Martin's grasp.

The face of the armor lit up as well. "You had me worried, Brother. You always seem to get yourself into trouble," Alphonse said, crossing his arms.

Ed smirked. "Oh come on, Al, you know this isn't something I can't handle," he shot back.

"It looks like you're handling it really well, Brother," Al said sarcastically.

"Enough with the chatter!" Martin's voice cut in. He pointed a finger at the hulking suit of armor in front of him. "Tell me who you are," he demanded.

Al uncrossed his arms and spread his feet farther apart. "I don't know who you are, mister, but I have to ask you to let my brother go," he told Martin.

Martin's face relaxed into an amused expression. "Oh, so you're this alchemist's younger brother. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be a suit of armor. Tell me, young man, how did you find this place?"

"That's none of your business," Al responded, taking a fighting stance. It looked like this guy wasn't going to let Ed go without a fight. When he first saw his older brother chained in the man's grasp, it took all of his self-control not to unleash his anger.

Martin turned to the chimeras behind him. "Deal with him while I go on ahead," he ordered.

Salazar exchanged glances with Roxy, and nodded. The female chimera made ready as if to dash forward. When she did, she appeared right next to Martin, on the side where he held Edward. Her hand was circled around his arm tightly, her claws protruding, threatening to break skin. Needless to say, Martin stared at her incredulously.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Lost and Boundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن