Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. Hiromu Arakawa does. I only own the OC characters.


Edward was brought to a comfy-looking room in a secluded area of the hall. Like all of the rooms in this place, it had no windows. An oriental rug graced the floor. A bed was set off to the side, a nightstand beside it, a pitcher of water set on top. There was another door leading off to another room. Edward guessed it was the bathroom. He was set down in a sitting position on the only bed in the room. It was quite soft, and he sank into the mattress with the weight of his automail. He could only sit still due to the fact he was still wrapped in chains. When he was set down, all of the chimeras left except for Roxy.

 "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later," she informed.

 "Just don't be too rough on him, Roxy," Salazar warned. With that, the door shut, leaving Ed alone with the female chimera.

 "Is that the kind of man that you want to trust to get your bodies back? Someone who tortures people for information?" Ed asked, his stern glare boring into Roxy.

 The female chimera flashed her eyes at Edward. "Don't act like we didn't warn you. I told you that Dr. Martin would have ways to persuade you. It would have been easier on yourself if you had just cooperated," she spat.

 "If you had any sense, then you would see why I won't let the knowledge about the Philosopher's Stone fall into the wrong hands. You have to believe me when I say this," Edward said, almost pleadingly. Roxy was slightly taken aback by how he almost begged.

 "I don't understand what you find so wrong about Dr. Martin, He's a good man-"

 "He's not!" Edward exclaimed. "He's not a good man. I'm sorry, I know he saved you from Laboratory 5, but he has his own personal agenda. Someone like him wouldn't hesitate to create the Philosopher's Stone, once he knew its ingredients. And he's not the only one I've seen who's like that. So, you have to believe me."

 Roxy frowned. "I don't know if what you're telling me is true, or if you're just afraid of being convinced. Either way," the female chimera knelt in front of Edward so she was face-to-face with him, "I wouldn't be making those types of accusations if I were you. Even someone as smart as you should realize that the point you're trying to make is futile. If you want to make it through with your sanity intact, I suggest you be a good boy, and do what the nice doctor says." She straightened, a cocky smirk gracing her lips. She turned and moved towards the door.

 "You don't believe me now, but you'll see." Roxy stopped at the sound of the alchemist's voice. "Once he gets what he wants, he'll cast you aside like used tools. Once that happens, you'll see the type of man he truly is."

 Roxy looked back, but the form on the bed was hunched over, his blond hair hiding his features. She immediately got an anxious feeling that crawled up her spine, but it stopped as soon as it came. Nevertheless, she got out of the room quickly, locking it behind her. Walking down the hall to join her friends, she couldn't help but think about the midget's ominous words.


 Edward was in no position to escape. He was still tied up, with his arms pinned to his sides. He couldn't move them enough to touch his palms together. He was truly helpless, and at the mercy of his captors.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't scared. In fact, he was terrified, but he would never admit it. He was very good at hiding his fear. The trick was to put his faith in the right people. At the moment, he knew he had to put his faith in his brother and Roy, and anyone else who might be looking for him right now. He always hated relying on other people to get him out of bad situations, since it reminded him that he was nothing more than a helpless child. But it gave him no other choice at this point.

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