Yusuke vs. Kazemaru

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Yusuke's P.O.V.:

Kuwabara, Kazemaru, Shorin, Botan, Ammara, and I walked out of the dark building. I groaned and closed my eyes as the sunlight hit them. Having been in TOTAL darkness for the last few hours, my eyes had to re-adjust to the brightness. We walked through the forest from the third round of tests and stopped when we saw a grassy battlefield. "This is where we'll fight the semi finals...Let's begin. First match, Kazemaru and Yusuke," Genkai said. I gasped. "Whoa, old lady! Pick someone who's had a chance to BREATHE!!!" I yelled angrily. "If you WANT to get mad...Then get mad at the one who drew the lot. And that's YOU," Genkai said. I growled and Kuwabara laughed. "Looks like you're not a very LUCKY person, are you Urameshi?" "Well can you at least throw another CIGARETTE?!" I asked. "No," Genkai replied. "Because unlike your LAST round, these battles won't BE in the dark."

I sighed. THAT was good to know! I HATED fighting blind!  Ammara gasped as she felt her power coming back to her. "Hey! What gives?! What IS this place?" she said. "The sight of an ancient battle," Genkai replied. "An entire ARMY was overcome by MADNESS. Thousands of soldiers attacked their own men. Restless souls fill this place." Ammara gasped, along with Kuwabara, although I couldn't for the life of me tell WHY. Then, Kuwabara screamed. "I'm seeing things here that I never wanted to SEE!" he yelled. "Oh please, PLEASE someone take me HOME!!!"

"On this hill side, Spirit energy begins to take over the body," Genkai continued. "It's perhaps the best place on Earth to use Spirit power. And so, that makes it the best place to FIGHT." Kazemaru smirked as his power returned to him. "Yusuke?" Botan said. I concentrated as I tried to charge my Spirit Gun. But after a few seconds, I panted. "It's no use," I said. "I feel some of my power coming back, but it's not NEARLY enough to use the Spirit Gun!"  I stared at Kazemaru, who had a blue aura surrounding him. I gasped. Damn!!! I thought. I can feel his power from here!!! Can I possibly defeat this guy?!

Then, Kazemaru and I stepped onto the battlefield. Kuwabara, Botan, and Ammara waited in anticipation for the battle to start. I was DETERMINED...But  could I WIN?!  I shook that thought out of my mind. I HAVE to win!!! This battle is one I CAN'T afford to LOSE!!! "Let the first match of the semi finals...BEGIN!!!" Genkai said. "What a shame for you," Kazemaru said. "Fighting two battles in a row! Both MISMATCHED!" I growled. "What?!"  "Don't play dumb, boy! Everyone knows that Kibano would've beaten you, if not for your stupid TRICK! And as for MY advantage...You'll find that out SOON ENOUGH." "You can do it, Yusuke!" Ammara yelled, encouraging me.

"Yeah, Urameshi! Show that clown who's boss!!!" Kuwabara added. I stood there as Kazemaru charged me. I could do NOTHING to defend as Kazemaru landed multiple blows to my body. With a fierce kick to the face, I was immediately knocked to the ground. "I'm surprised to find someone else in this contest who can use the Spirit Firing technique," Kazemaru said. "Yeah...I'm pretty awesome," I replied. "Of course...It's NOTHING compared to MINE." I spit out the blood trapped in my mouth as Kazemaru walked up to me. "Yeah...You're RIGHT. So why don't we just agree to NOT to use them and just play FAIR?" I said.

Kazemaru chuckled. "Oh, don't worry," he said. "I'd rather use...MY FIST!!!" Then, Kazemaru charged at me. I growled. Okay...Brace yourself! I thought. When I tried to move, I noticed that my foot was stuck in the mud behind me. "What the hell?!" I said, my eyes wide.  "Yusuke! Watch out!!!" Ammara yelled. Again, I was helpless as Kazemaru attacked me. I screamed and Kazemaru laughed. "You can't even FIGHT BACK!!!" he yelled as he kept attacking me. "Do something!!!" Botan yelled from the sidelines. I growled angrily. I'm trying!!!! I thought. I just can't find an opening to attack!!! On top of that, I'm still WORN OUT from my last match!!! Then, Kazemaru landed a sharp blow to my face, causing me to fall flat on my back.

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