Truth or Dare

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"Why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Jack says smirking.
"'s 10:00pm but I guess it won't hurt." Sophia says.
"Ok. Y/N, truth or dare?" Sophia asks.
"Um...Truth." I reply shyly.
"What do you do in your free time?"
"Annoy Wyatt."
Everyone giggles except for Wyatt.
"Ah haha. Funny." He says sarcastically.
At least the question wasn't so bad.
We went in a full circle and Jaeden was last.
"Jaeden, truth or dare?" Finn asks.
"Uh...Truth." He says.
"Who is your best friend that's a girl here?" Finn says winking.
"Y/N. Sophia you are still my best friend too. Don't be sad." Jaeden says trying not to hurt Sophia's feelings.
"Nah it's fine. I get it a lot. Especially when I get compared to Y/N."
"Aaaaaand the game of Truth or Dare is overrrrr!" Jack says with his radio voice.
"Well I'm going to bed so, night." I say.
"Night!" Everyone says and goes to bed.
The middle of the night
I sat up quickly, my heart beating fast, and I break into a cold sweat.
It was just a nightmare. But it felt so real.
I get up to go out to the porch.
"Y/N? Is that you?" A voice calls out. "It's me Jaeden. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to go outside."
"Oh. Ok."
I go out onto the porch and look at the beautiful sky. I feel arms wrap around my waist and a warmth spreading onto my back. It's Jaeden. He's actually hugging me.
"You know, I see something more beautiful than the sky." He says.
"What is it? Is it the trees?" I reply.
He giggles.
"It's you Y/N. The way your eyes sparkle in the light and how your hair naturally glows.  And what makes you beautiful is your heart. You care so much for other people, it's crazy." Jaeden says.
I'm crying my eyes out at this point. I turn around to see Jaeden. I give him a huge hug and cry into his chest until I stop.
"Did you really mean that Jaeden?" I ask.
"Yes, Y/N. I meant it from the bottom of my heart. You're the only one that understands." He says.
"Really?" I say.
I've always thought of Jaeden as a friend, I never thought he had these kinds of feelings for me. Maybe I'm getting these feelings too.
"Y/N, the point is, I like you. A lot. You're a big part of my life ever since Wyatt introduced me to you. I thought you would be crazy like he is but I was wrong."
I just stood there like a total idiot. After a few minutes I decided to speak.
"I always thought you were the different one from the group. You were humble and soft. You would actually care about someone." I say. "Well I'm going to bed now so..."
"Wait before you go..." he said and smashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first but then I kissed back. It was only for like 3 seconds but it felt like 3 hours. It was magical.
"Wow, that was-"
"Amazing" he says.
"Goodnight Lieberher." I say.
"Goodnight Oleff." He says back.
I open the door and head over to my bed and look at Sophia in her deep, deep sleep.
Sophia is snoring so loudly. Haha!
I go back to bed and dream about what tomorrow's adventures will be.

A/N I was actually crying while writing this chapter.  This one was super fun to write. (+ it's long ) I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow so I'll try to update as much as possible!

~Understandable~ Jaeden LieberherWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt