•Paradise Death•

Start from the beginning

When I turn around oh my goodness
This man had a nice body
You could tell he worked out a lot his smile was everything his eyes where connected to mine instantly
He then walks towards me and carries me into the water

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, it felt amazing.
As he puts me down my toes touch the nice warm water

I asked him
"What is this place"
"This is where my mother used to take me when I was a kid" he said it looking around

"It's beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you" he said

When those words rolled of his tongue I wanted to faint
It's like the whole world stopped

I took in what he said not saying anything in return

We got into the water and swam into the cave
It was beautiful all the fishes under us and the plans

It was paradise

We come closer to shore enjoying the view and by view I mean each other
We both looked at each other for what felt like eternity but lucky for me
My fucking phone rang

I answered guess who it was

It was my creator aka my father

"Skylar I need you home right now I have an assignment for you"

"It's my day of dad" I said angrily

"I don't give 2 shits get here now"

"Where are you"??

"I'm at the corner of Palms and 3rd"
"Ok I'm near there" I told him

I was angry that I had to leave Liam

"Hey I have to go my dads waiting for me"

"I'll take you"

"N-no I'll walk he's really near"

"No I'll take you" he insisted

"No I'm fine I'll see you then"

I headed off and changed clothes

It took me about 10 minutes to find my dad

"What dad this better he important"

" I need you to help me catch German Filker, he works for The Russian Mafia"

"Ok he's supposed to come by here?" I asked

"We have JJ tracking his moves down he should be here in 3 minutes"

During those 3 minutes I thought about Liam and how he would react if he could see what I do. Good thing he doesn't know

Little did I know that was going to change in 5 minutes

Finally we track German and I run after him pushing toward the Alley way.

He's cornered and my gun is loaded

I wait for my father to get there and we ask him questions about his leaders future plans

After he answers I shoot him right in the neck killing him instantly
I then turn around seeing Liam there shocked eyes wide opened and I could sense the terror in his eyes.


He runs out of the alley and I run after him but he disappeared

My dad asked

"Who's that guys and why do you know him"

"He's just a friend dad".

"Well your friend is going to have to go he just witnessed a murder and he could rat us out!"

"I'm not killing him!!!!!!"

"Oh yes you are remember you don't mix friends in the business, the business is your friend" he said

"I will not kill him"

"Either you kill him or I do" my dad said very madly

I had to warn Liam.
I got home and sat on my computer to track his phone

He was at his house
How was I going to get him out safe and alive

I thought to myself.
I needed a plan and I needed one fast
Or Liam would he 6 feet under ground
or in a lake somewhere.

Ah that's was chapter 4 guys, honestly I started writing yesterday and now I'm in chapter 4. And I don't plan this stuff I'm a very messy writer. This chapter was little bit more romantic and twisted, Liam found out. What's sky's plan going to be? Will Liam get out alive? Tune in loves. Kisses ;)

- Daniela Ojeda

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