An even bigger mistake

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The next morning, you felt really terrible. You got dressed, ate breakfast, and walked out. As you walked, you had a horrible feeling in your stomach. "Oh...I hope he understands," you said. "I just can't lose him. I can't lose the one!" You broke into tears, and felt a small pain in your heart. You finally made it to his house, and stopped by the door. You wiped your tears, and took deep breaths. You slowly opened the door, and walked to to the door to his room. You slowly placed your hand on the knob...and heard something. You heard...giggling...and cooing! You opened the door, and your eyes widened! You saw him! You saw him, without his shirt, kissing another​ girl! The girl turned and saw you all surprised, tapped his shoulder, and he turned to see you. "Oh. Hi __________," he said. You did nothing but stare. "Have I introduced you to my other friend?" You then slammed the door many times so hard that it broke, and you ran out crying! You ran so fast and your eyes were shut so tight you didn't see where you were going, and you bumped into something! You opened your eyes, and saw Venice. "__________, what's wrong?" He asked, looking in your eyes. "Did he break up with you?" "No...," your voice cracked. "He...HE CHEATED ON ME!!!" You then cried loudly on his chest fur, and he looked down at you. He wrapped his arms around you, holding him tightly. You held him tightly, squeezing him and pulling him close to you. His chest fur was so soft, you snuggled against it. He then carried you, and cradled you in his arms. "V-V-Venice?" You asked, sniffling. He then lifted himself into the air, and flew you back home. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he gave you a serious look. He then went inside, walked to your bedroom, and laid you on your bed. "Venice? What are you doing?" You asked. He put his hands on your shoulders, and stroked your hair. You were first confused, but you then started to smile as his hand touched your cheek. You then got up, held him tightly, and snuggled your face against your chest fur. You heard his purr, and you smiled bigger. "You're so soft, Venice," you said. "And you're so snuggly~," he smirked. You then grabbed him, and pulled him on top of you. You smiled big, and kissed his cheek. "You sure know how to make a girl feel better," you said, smiling. "__________," he said. "I'm sorry about last night. I was just jealous because he treats you so nicely...and...I just wish I can treat you like that." You held him tightly, and rubbed his ears. "You did Venice," you said. "You helped me when I left that...that cheating, lying jerk's place he calls a life." He purred and smirked and chuckled. "Yeah. Who needs him? To me, you're too good for him anyway," he said. " thought I was too good for him?" You asked, your eyes widening. "Well, either that or he was too bad for me," he said. "Why?" You asked. "'re really beautiful...and like I said, you're cute when you're mad. And you're just so sweet and nice. Pretty much the nicest person I have ever met," he explained, blushing. Your heart then began to pound inside your chest fast and hard. You then slowly leaned him, placed your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him deeply. Venice's eyes widened, and he kissed you back. The kiss lasted for over a minute, and you finally pulled away. You both looked in each others' eyes, and both held each other. "My Venice," you smiled. "My __________," he smiled back.

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