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A/n: YAY FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER it probably sucks, but oh well! Here ya guys go. Song is Stumbling In Your Footsteps by Get Scared go ahead and hit play!

As expected I didn't sleep much this night. Josh had just gotten up and left without saying much of anything. Why, though? Why was he leaving so suddenly?! He said he had too, but.. That doesn't tell me anything! I just.. I can't wrap my head around it.. He's just.. Gone. He has to come back right? Right?!

I attempted to call him many of times throughout the night, but it kept claiming to be disconnected. Texts couldn't be delivered. I had no way of getting ahold of him. Was I not good enough for him? Could I not save him from what he was dealing with? I could tear my hair out by the racing thoughts in my head. They wouldn't stop. Why couldn't I of been a better boyfriend?

Why? Why? Why?!

I tossed and turned all night just racking my mind about what I could've done different. What I could've done to help. It didn't matter though, it was too late now. I couldn't do anything. I finally turned over and saw the time on the clock and I sighed. It was 5:48 so I might as well just get up to go to school. Wreck or not.

I got myself up out of bed and trudged to the bathroom flinching at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were red and dark rimmed. My hair was a mess from tugging on it all night. I looked overall really disheveled. I turned on the water and hoped a cool shower would help. I climbed in letting the water cleanse me and hopefully fix my appearance slightly.

I got out and dried off before changing, brushing my hair, and brushing my teeth. I headed back into my room and looked at the window. Maybe, just maybe, he decided to stay and he'd be at his window waiting for me like every other morning.

I moved the curtains to the side and opened the window. I looked across, but there was no light on. The window wasn't open. Just a single piece of paper taped to the inside of the window reading: I'm so sorry Tyler. I love you. Please forgive me.

I scoffed some slamming my window shut. I can't believe he's done this. He's gone. What did I do wrong? I gathered my stuff quickly and headed down the stairs and headed to school. I just needed a distraction. School maybe sucked, but at least I had Pete and Patrick.

I put my headphones in as I headed to school, my hands shoved in my pockets. As I entered I could feel people staring and I watched as they whispered back and forth to each other as I passed. What the hell? No one has ever paid me much mind since being here. Pete, Patrick, and Josh were the only ones.

I ignored it as I just went to my locker to put my bag away and get my books. Soon enough Pete and Patrick were by my locker and nudging me. I pulled my headphones out shoving them in my pocket.

"Dude! Did you hear what happened?" Pete exclaimed.

"Huh? No.. What happened?" I asked shutting my locker and looking at the two.

"Apparently, there was this huge thing that happened last night. Cops are thinking it was a target of a gang thing.. The only people I know about being in a gang is Brendon and Dallon.." Patrick explained.

"Yeah like a gang war broke out or something and someone got shot and killed! Dude this is OHIO! Nothing like this EVER happens! Brendon and Dallon aren't here today either." Pete said ecstatically.

"Really.. Someone got shot and.. Killed?" I said trailing off some. "Uhm.. That's.. I gotta go."

Before either of them could respond I was already heading down the hall, people continued to whisper and stare and I was trying my best not to have a full blown panic attack. Josh couldn't of done that.. Could he? I couldn't believe that.

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