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Lucky Charms Ice Cream

Recipe from: Created by Noble Pig | Serves: 1-1/4 quart


1-1/2 cups heavy cream

1-1/2 cups whole milk

1/2 cup buttermilk (full-fat if possible)

1-1/2 cups Lucky Charms cereal (marshmallows removed)

1/2 cup granulated sugar

5 egg yolks, slightly beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup Lucky Charms marshmallows


In a large pouring vessel combine cream, milk and buttermilk. Add cereal (no marshmallows) and let soak for 15 minutes, stirring at least twice. Pour contents into a food processor or blender and blend until cereal is pulverized into bits. Mixture will be slightly frothy and thick.

Pour milk mixture and sugar into a large saucepan. Heat on low until the sides of the pan are slightly bubbly and mixture is starting to warm. Stir constantly. Remove a 1/4 cup of the milk mixture and mix with egg yolks in a separate bowl. Add another 1/4 cup and so on, until egg mixture is at the same temperature as what is in the saucepan. Add egg mixture to the saucepan and stir until mixture coats the back of a spoon, do not boil. Remove from heat and add vanilla.

Cool completely and place in the refrigerator until mixture is very cold, preferably overnight. Add mixture to ice cream maker and freeze according to manufactures direction. When Ice cream is done, pour in marshmallows while machine is still churning. As soon as they are combined, turn off machine and place ice cream in freezer until hardened, about 4 hours.


Delicious Zucchini Bread Recipe

Submitted by mockingbird on December 11th, 2013 –

Category: Food

I realize that the idea of a vegetable, much less a green vegetable, in a sweet bread is a huge turnoff. It needn’t be. This stuff is amazing.

It’s really sweet so it’s well suited as a dessert. Eat it warm with a bit of butter on it and you’ll love it. If you aren’t a dessert person, you can certainly have it for breakfast or a snack or with a meal. It works no matter what you do with it.

What you need:

3 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

3 teaspoons cinnamon

3 eggs

1 cup vegetable oil

2 1/4 cups sugar

3 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 cups shredded zucchini

1 cup walnuts

What you need to do:

This recipe makes two loaves so grease up two loaf pans and start your oven preheating to 325 degrees.

Shred your two cups of zucchini and set it aside. You can use a food processor for this or a cheese greater. It works either way. I like to peal the zucchini and cut away the part where the seeds are, but you can use the whole thing if you want to. Press out as much of the liquid as possible so it doesn’t make your bread soggy.

If one mixing bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon. In another bowl, beat the eggs and then mix in the oil, sugar and vanilla. Then add the dry ingredients into the wet stuff. After that, stir in the zucchini and walnuts.

Pour the mixture evenly into the loaf pans and cook for 50 to 60 minutes. Be sure to let your bread cool for 15 or 20 minutes before you try to remove it from the pan and slice it.

An alternative:

When I was a kid, my mom used to make up this batter and then pour it in a thin layer onto a greased cookie sheet. After it was cooked and cooled, she’d cut it into little squares makes perfect cookies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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