Finally (Part 27)

Start from the beginning


You arrive at the hospital and run inside literally carrying one kid on each hip because Isla can't run as you want to go. When you burst through the door Peggy is already there waiting for you.

"They aren't back yet but we've got everything ready for when they are," she says straight away as she hurries over to you.

"Thank you," you stay hoarsely, still in a daze when she embraces you in a hug.

She takes Isla from you so that you aren't holding both kids and just as she was doing to you, Isla buries her head in the crook of Peggy's neck. All your kids are very comfortable around Steve and Peggy and same goes for Sarah with you and Bucky, you're all like one big family.

"I guess all we can do now is wait. They shouldn't be long." She sighs.

You nod and bite your lip, fighting back more tears.

"Did- did Steve tell you anything else?" You whimper.

"I'm afraid not, he just sounded very rushed and flustered. He didn't even say where the wound was or if Bucky was conscious. Just that he'd been stabbed and was in bad shape. And I regret to say that you know Steve's not one to over exaggerate or say things that don't need to be said so if he says it's bad than it must be.

You let out a little sob, knowing this is true before she ushers you out the back to where they will arrive with a gentle hand on the small of your back. A whole tone of doctors and other people are out there waiting expectantly too.

It's only a few minutes before you see a car pull up outside the big glass windows in a rush and it's like everyone tenses up in anticipation. The air is thick with the wonder of not knowing what Bucky is going to be like. Everyone here knows. Everyone here is professional. You can trust them.

The windows are blacked out and you can't see anything yet but you still crane your neck to try and get a good look. Peggy forces your guys way to the front of the crowd and when they see that it's you they let you through.

Soon Steve hops out of the drivers seat and rushes around the car to the back passengers side. His brow furrowed in concentration and he doesn't acknowledge anyone else before ripping open the door, reaching in and helping Bucky out. He adjusts Bucky's left arm to be draped around his shoulder with their backs to you but already you can tell it won't be good.

Through the khaki shirt Bucky where's you can see a large, deep red blood stain stretching the length of his rib cage from his armpit to the hem of the shirt and it's creeping around his back now too. You think he's conscious, but his head is hanging low and he seems to be struggling to stand, staggering around even with the help of Steve's support.

You think that's as bad as he could be but then he turns around and it's even worse than you thought.

Oh god I shouldn't have bought the kids to see this, you think in dread.

His face is a sickly pale and both him and Steve are covered in cuts and bruises, blood staining there uniforms - none as bad as Bucky's obvious stab wound but still not good. Besides the wound, Bucky looks to be in a far worse state anyway. Although Steve looks exhausted enough, you can see how blood shot Bucky's eyes are from here and the purple, puffy bags under his eyes are just as startling. He looks like he hasn't slept since he left.

You glance over at Isla and Peggy, Peggy's eyes are wide with alarm and Isla's jaw is dropped, her whole face plastered with horror.

Turning your attention back to Bucky, things seem to have gotten worse in a matter of seconds. He seems to be in a daze and doesn't really notice where he is. When Steve goes to help him take a step it appears that the energy it takes is just too much for him and he nearly falls over, what little colour is left in his face visibly drains away. He must've lost a lot of blood.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now