Chapter 2 : Weird Guy!

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The next morning Keiko bring me in the cafe that I can work there as a Pastry Chef.

Then we sit for a while then.

Keiko : Yo! Uncle Long time no see

Keiko's Uncle : Oh Keiko! You've grow up so well.

Is this your boyfriend?

Keiko : Ekk! No! We were friends before in 2nd year Highschool.

By the way Uncle! Is my girlfriend there?

Makoto : You just really come here for your girlfriend, huh?

Keiko : What's your problem with that? She's my girlfriend.



Keiko : Ok ok I got it! *whisper*

Uncle He wants to work on here as a Pastry Chef.

Uncle : ok.

Makoto : What?

Uncle : Tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning dont be late.

Then when Makoto and Keiko go outside.

Makoto : Did you hear that?

Keiko : Yeah I heard it!

Makoto : I have job. I HAVE JOB!

Keiko : When you know its a part time job.

*Makoto didnt listen then. Hits the head of Keiko*

Keiko : Ouch That hurt.

Makoto : Yes! I so love you!

Keiko : Eww. Get away from me!!

Then again Makoto passed by the Tall and serious eyes and Good looking Guy. He remembered he bamped him once. Makoto saw the tall guy was going the cafe that he will work there tomorrow.

Makoto : Hey Keiko! Is that guy always there in that cafe?

Keiko : Ahh that Guy? Yeah well my girlfriend said that.

That guy always go there when he's work is finished.

Makoto : Ohh...

and when the next morning. I started going to the cafe. Well the boss test me if I can bake or make some desserts. Well didn't go any further. He let me work as well.

Then I saw him again coming here in the cafe.The tall with the serious eyes and Good lookin guy.

Boss : Makoto you'll be the waiter. Nanami Maiko(Keiko's Girlfriend) will take a break.

Makoto : Yes sir!

Goes near to him. But then Im getting nervous.

Makoto : (Relax.Relax. Its a work. ) May I take your order sir?

Stranger Guy : The one you made.

Makoto : (What?!?) Excuse me?

Stranger Guy : The one you made desserts. I want to taste them.

Makoto : ( What's with this guy? ) Ahh Which one?

Stranger Guy : Is it the new desserts in this menu you made?

Makoto : Ahh,Yes sir.

Stranger Guy : Then I'll pick the Mousse Entremet.

Makoto : Ok sir.

Waah That was looong conversation. Why did he need to pick my desserts? Did we met before? I dont really remember him as my classmate before.

Makoto : Here you go sir. Enjoy.

then until we going to close the cafe the tall guy is still there.

Boss : We are going to close you may go now. Makoto thanks for working here.

Makoto : Anytime boss.

Phew That was fun. Some people really liked my desserts. Oh yeah that tall guy.

oh wait.

*Turns around*

Makoto : ( Is someone following? I heard theres a foot step. Oh wait I need to hurry. I think Its a kidnapper. Wait what Im not a kid. Pshh Im a man. What the hell am I thinking gaah I think its a ghost I better run fast!!!)

Stranger Guy : Hey Kid wait!

Makoto : ( I knew it someone is following!! Wait what? the voice sounds familiar)

*Grabs the left arm of Makoto*


Stranger Guy : ....... pst hahahaha.

Makoto : What are you laughing for?

Stranger Guy : It was good.

Your dessert.

Makoto : Wait! Did you come all the way just to say that to me? (Is he joking around or what?!?)

Stranger Guy : Your name?

Makoto : Why you want to know?

Stranger Guy : I want to know you more.

Makoto : ... I'm.... Makoto.(I feel like this guy is gay.)

Stranger Guy : Takero... *smiles*

call me Takero.

Makoto : Ah... Nice to meet you...

BYEE!!! *Runs away*

Takero : ahh Makoto!! WAIT!!!


Makoto : (WAHH!! Thank goodness Im home... Is he still there? )

Opens the door

Makoto : WAAAAH!!!! *Falls down*

Keiko : What the hell are doing? *sleepy voice*

Makoto : Ahh... Ah... nothing let's get some sleep I might be late tomorrow.

Damn that guy was strange... why he needs to know me more? Ahh... Nevermind I have to concenstrate at work.

To be Continue.

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